Trends in Commercial Property Values

  in an Emerging Real Estate Market: A Case Study of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria   FEATURED PAPER By Mbosowo Ebong Ekpo … [Read more...]

Quantitative description of the dynamics of interactions of living systems

  by the method of state equations Part 3: The power of human systems and dynamic mathematical models of their … [Read more...]

Interview with Lavagnon Ika

  Complexity Is a Fact of Life and Projects Interview with Prof Lavagnon Ika Professor of Project Management Founding Director, Major … [Read more...]

Interview with Sunil Mundra

  Today, technology is your key differentiator! Interview with Sunil Mundra Author, Agile Evangelist Principal Consultant-Advisor, … [Read more...]

Projectizing Zimbabwe!

  REPORT Compiled and Edited by Ipek Sahra Ozguler International Correspondent Istanbul, Turkey    After PMI Zimbabwe Virtual … [Read more...]

Welcome to the June 2021 PMWJ

  WELCOME By David Pells Managing Editor Addison, Texas, USA Welcome to the June 2021 edition of the PM World Journal (PMWJ), … [Read more...]

Digital Body Language

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title:  Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance Author: Erica … [Read more...]

The Evolution from Project to Business Manager

  SECOND EDITION By Joseph A. Lukas, PMP, CSM, PE, CCP Florida and North Carolina, USA Abstract Project success is no longer … [Read more...]

Role of Functional Organization

  in Large Engineering and Construction Programs   SECOND EDITION By Bob Prieto Jupiter, Florida, USA Large corporate … [Read more...]