A Star is Born

  Musically Skyrocket your Project to a Masterpiece   SECOND EDITION By Kimia Penton Texas, USA Abstract “Do you … [Read more...]

Through the Looking Glass of AI

  Project Management in Wonderland   SECOND EDITION By Suchitra Veera Dallas, Texas, USA 1.    … [Read more...]

Pivoting with Purpose

  How I Used Project Management to Strategically Navigate Career Transitions   SECOND EDITION By Anna Ladipo, MBA, PMP®, CSM, … [Read more...]

Visual Milestone Planning in a hybrid development context

  SECOND EDITION By Dr. Eduardo Miranda Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Abstract This paper explains the Visual Milestone … [Read more...]

Managing projects & making decisions under uncertainty

  in a cross-cultural environment   SECOND EDITION By Gauranga Deka Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas, USA Abstract In November … [Read more...]

Discover the 4P Superpower Model

  that will Help Your PMO Overcome its Kryptonite!   SECOND EDITION By Ana Millan and Naomi Watkins University of Texas at … [Read more...]

A Journey of Discovery

  Discovery Projects on Trend   SECOND EDITION By Frances Crossno, PMP, and Linda McManis, PMP American Heart … [Read more...]

Modernizing Earned Value Management

  SECOND EDITION By Wayne F. Abba Michigan, USA Abstract Earned Value Management (EVM) has been part of Department of Defense … [Read more...]

Managing Innovation for Sustainable Growth

  Create and sustain a culture of innovation and manage innovation at enterprise level   SECOND EDITION By Nikunj … [Read more...]