The PM World Journal (PMWJ) is intended to be a resource for students of program and project management (P/PM) around the world. As P/PM spreads and grows in more organizations and industries on a global basis, more young professionals will need to know something about project management, regardless of their fields of study or career choices. Everyone encounters projects today; we all need some understanding of how projects and programs are created, planned, financed and managed, and how the benefits from programs and projects can be realized. And as the importance of programs and projects continues to increase, that need for basic P/PM knowledge and education will only grow.
The authors of articles, papers and other works published in PMWJ are experienced project managers and P/PM professionals. Many are truly experts in the field, authors of textbooks and guides, some with decades of experience. Their published work is often educational on multiple levels. You will find examples of P/PM applications and results from many industries and locations; some of these may provide useful case studies or examples to support your coursework. And many of our authors would be more than happy to hear from students, answer questions or suggest further lines of inquiry. Author contact information can normally be found at the end of each author’s profile (at the end of each article).
We hope the contents of each months’ PMWJ can lead to ideas or topics for research projects. In addition, if you need subjects for interviews or surveys, we can publish a news article announcing your research and requirements. If you have questions or need suggestions, contact
Students worldwide are invited to submit good papers for publication in the PMWJ, in the “Student Papers” category. Student papers should be referred by a professor, teacher or faculty member, and should generally be the result of research conducted for a project management course. Award winning student papers are welcome. In some cases, we can offer students their first opportunity to publish a paper in a professional journal, which is a positive addition to one’s CV. Student Papers should include recognition of the university, course, sponsoring professor and student author.
Read the PMWJ. Find your areas of interest. Conduct some research. Author a paper, and send it to us for publication. Push the envelope; change the discussion. Consider how P/PM can help solve some local, regional or global problem. Propose a solution. Change the world!