Move Fast & Fix Things

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title:  Move Fast & Fix Things: The Trusted Leader’s Guide to Solving Hard Problems Authors: Frances Frei & … [Read more...]

Putting the Customer First

  Managing Projects from the Outside In   SECOND EDITION By James A. Fette, PMP North Texas, USA Introduction While … [Read more...]

December 2023 UK Project Management Round Up

  Good Sponsors (Accounting Officer Reports, National Audit Office Report on Levelling Up, Aviva Studios), Bad Sponsors, Energy … [Read more...]

December 2023 PM Update from Rome

  REPORT By Alessandro Quagliarini International Correspondent Rome, Italy The Italian Event on Project Management Introduction … [Read more...]

December 2023 Finland Project Management Roundup

  Updates about Association of Project Professionals Finland; PMI Finland Chapter; Raide-Jokeri light rail project; Kruunusillat [Crown … [Read more...]

Project Management is critical to Sustainability

  APM’s Sustainability Conference Oct 2023   REPORT By Dr. Hugo Minney United Kingdom Context Project managers are … [Read more...]

December 2023 PM Update from Madrid

  REPORT By Alfonso Bucero International Correspondent Madrid, Spain PMI Madrid Chapter Congress at “Ilunion Hotel” in … [Read more...]

Bottoms Up! Our PMO to SRO Journey

  CASE STUDY By Sue Severns North Texas, USA Abstract A PMO Director without a PMO. That was the situation a year ago. I … [Read more...]

Ten common patterns of companies

  that successfully manage very innovative and disruptive projects   What can we learn from them?   ADVISORY … [Read more...]