The redaction of fair cancellation and recording clauses

in the music event sector   STUDENT PAPER By Chloé Forget SKEMA Business School Paris, France     ABSTRACT Music … [Read more...]

Managing and Controlling Construction Delays

using Guild Management Techniques   STUDENT PAPER By RAMA SUBBU Naveen Aravind SKEMA Business School Paris, … [Read more...]

A cause of many conflicts between clubs and athletes:

Contract negotiation   STUDENT PAPER By William Vermersch SKEMA Business School Lille, France & … [Read more...]

Collaboration between Brand Name Beauty and their Subsidiaries:

How to resolve project and contract disputes?   STUDENT PAPER By Agathe Gélis SKEMA Business School Paris, … [Read more...]

A Project Management approach:

Study of E-Banking Contracts   STUDENT PAPER By Shikshank Gaur SKEMA Business School Paris, France & … [Read more...]

Is negotiation the best alternative solution

to resolve conflicts in the food industry?   STUDENT PAPER By Ophélie Dubois SKEMA Business School Lille, … [Read more...]

Dispute in sport negotiations: How to handle it?

  STUDENT PAPER By Alexandre Desno SKEMA Business School Paris, France     ABSTRACT This study investigated the … [Read more...]

Securing companies’ interests in international commercial contracts:

Prevention and the choice of applicable law   STUDENT PAPER By Alicia Maud Andreani SKEMA Business School Lille, … [Read more...]

Which contract type is the most appropriate for Agile projects?

  STUDENT PAPER By Sergey Musatov SKEMA Business School Paris, France & Russia     ABSTRACT Agile method, as … [Read more...]