A Russian journalist predicted a year ago

  how it turns out: Russia attacks Ukraine, and this becomes a humiliation for Russia   COMMENTARY By Pekka … [Read more...]

The Importance of Project Managers to be

  Formally Trained and Certified in Project Management to Be Competent   COMMENTARY By Michael Marshall, PhD Atlanta, … [Read more...]

Improving servant, transformational and emergent project leadership

  through proximal development   COMMENTARY By Tim Kloppenborg, PhD and Jesse Maleszewski Ohio, USA Project demands are … [Read more...]

Follow on Commentary and Elaboration:

  The “P’s” & “Q’s” of Assessing Program & Project ‘Outcome’ Effectiveness article by Dr. Ken … [Read more...]

The Entrepreneur Within

  Achieving success with your projects with an entrepreneurial mindset   COMMENTARY By John Cable, Director Project … [Read more...]

‘GAME THEORY’: Another Technique

  to Supplement Pre-Project Risk Assessment or Post-Project Evaluation   ADVISORY ARTICLE By Dr. Kenneth Smith, … [Read more...]

Create a “Programmatic Approach”

  to Cyber Security Risk reduction   ADVISORY ARTICLE By Peter Gailey North Texas, USA Cyber Security is a fundamental … [Read more...]

The importance of assumptions in business

  ADVISORY By Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco United Kingdom Every time a person working for a company meets others for the first time … [Read more...]

Develop your influence as a project manager

  ADVISORY ARTICLE By Alfonso Bucero PMI Fellow International Correspondent Madrid, Spain The first question that came to my … [Read more...]