Tribute to Dr. Martin Barnes, CBE, APM Founder: 1939-2022

  PMWJ Advisors and Authors offer tributes and memories Dr. Martin Barnes, CBE, co-founder and former President of the Association for … [Read more...]

On Ukraine: The Undesirable Power of Projects

  LETTER TO THE EDITOR By Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez 3 March 2022 Ref: The war in Ukraine and projects, the good and the bad Editor’s … [Read more...]

On the Subject of Brief Risk Management Guides

  LETTER TO THE EDITOR By Martin Hopkinson 2 March 2022 Ref: New PMWJ series of Brief Risk Management Guides Dear Editor, With … [Read more...]

Welcome to the February 2022 PMWJ

  What Should We Publish? WELCOME By David Pells Managing Editor Addison, Texas, USA Welcome to the February 2022 edition … [Read more...]

2. What’s in a name?

  Portfolios, programs and projects in owner-organisations’ strategic and operations management contexts   Series on … [Read more...]

Impact Leaders and Leadership Trends for 2022

  Positive Leadership in Project Management SERIES ARTICLE By Frank Saladis, PMP, PMI Fellow New York, NY, USA "High impact … [Read more...]

The Customer Success Manager (CSM) in Project Business

  Project Business Management SERIES ARTICLE By Oliver F. Lehmann Munich, Germany “Customer Success Managers are a powerful … [Read more...]

February 2022 PM Update from Bengaluru

  and PMO Global Alliance India Hub   PMOGA India PMO Awards 2021, New Chief Communications Officer, New Advisor, New … [Read more...]

February PM Update from Belo Horizonte

  2021 MATURITY RESEARCH REPORT By Manuel Carvalho da Silva Neto PMWJ International Correspondent Minas Gerais, Brazil As … [Read more...]