Risk Management, a Business Fundamental

  and how young Boy Scouts 11 to 18 years of age seem to know more about this with their Boy Scout Motto of ‘Be Prepared’ than … [Read more...]

A Socio-Political Perspective to Construction Project Leadership:

  History, Evolution, and Future   COMMENTARY By Dr. Sherif Hashem, PhD Doha, Qatar Introduction Leadership in … [Read more...]

Embracing the Agile Mindset in Any Project Environment

  COMMENTARY By John Cable, Director Project Management Center for Excellence A. James Clark School of Engineering University of … [Read more...]

Want projects to move fast and robust?

  Try standardization   ADVISORY ARTICLE By Manuel M. Ancizu Beramendi Pamplona, Spain Abstract In this article, … [Read more...]

Projects and project management in the context of society

  Projects and project management for a sustainable social impact SERIES ARTICLE By Reinhard Wagner Munich, … [Read more...]

3. From project outputs to organisational outcomes and benefits

  and the roles of user groups, and of program/project management (PPM)   Series on project-related contributions to … [Read more...]

Is agile always better?

  Sensemaking in the Agile Forest SERIES ARTICLE By Henny Portman The Netherlands Introduction We must use Agile, because … [Read more...]

Strategic Project Governance in a Non-Projectized Environment:

  A South African Perspective   Project Management in Southern Africa: Approaches, Experience, Trends SERIES ARTICLE By … [Read more...]

A Project Business Healing Day

  Project Business Management SERIES ARTICLE By Oliver F. Lehmann Munich, Germany “Imbalanced systems, whether internal or … [Read more...]