February PM Update from Belo Horizonte




By Manuel Carvalho da Silva Neto

PMWJ International Correspondent

Minas Gerais, Brazil

As happens since 2005, Darci Prado and Russel Archibald (in memoriam) had conducted, in the last four months of 2021, their Project Management Maturity Research. This was the 8th time.

This Research is applied just in Brazil and is an important landmark about Project Management in that country, source of data, information and Knowledge, as well as, in general, opens great questions to be investigated by specialists and scholars.

You can find the results including an interesting set of reports in https://maturityresearch.com/en/home-en/ , for now only in Portuguese. In the next two months versions in English, Spanish and Italian will be available.

Some important 2021 Research findings

There are some relevant things to watch out for in 2021 Research.

Since 2010 the average Maturity was around 2.6 (on a scale from 1 to 5).

Surprisingly, it has achieved 2.94 in 2021 (see Table 1 below). This 13% increase could be explained by a lot of reasons, including the COVID-19 epidemics, the reduced research number of respondents (only 181), the respondents’ corporate size and PM tradition, the intensive use of agile methodologies and others. The real why is something to be investigated by future academic research.

Table 1 – Average Maturity Results

Let’s see some other 2021 Maturity Research main results and indicators:

Total of respondents: 181 organizations

Total of projects considered in the Research: 4575

Brazil Average Maturity: 2,94

Success Indicators (see www.maturityresearch.com to conceptualization):

  • Total Success: 60%
  • Partial Success: 31%
  • Failure: 9%

Average Delay: 21%

Average Overrun: 12%

Planned Scope Achievement: 79%


To read entire report, click here

How to cite this work: da Silva Neto, M.C. (2022). 2021 Maturity Research, Project Management Update from Belo Horizonte, PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue II, February. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/pmwj114-Feb2022-daSilva-Neto-project-management-update-from-belo-horizonte-brazil.pdf

About the Author

Manuel Carvalho da Silva Neto

Minas Gerais, Brazil


 Manuel Carvalho da Silva Neto, MSc, Mech. Engineer and PMP is a Consultant and Fundação Dom Cabral Invited Professor. He is a seasoned professional with over 47 years of experience in Project Management, Process Management and Strategy. Manuel has managed or participated in hundreds of projects across different fields including Steel, Mining, IT, Telecom, Food Processing, Construction and Government, to mention a few. He worked also in projects to implement PMO (Project Management Office) and Project Management Methodology. He has also strong skills in Leading People and Finance. He served as Minas Gerais State Undersecretary for Planning and Budget, from 2007 to 2008. Manuel can be contacted at carvalhoneto.manuel@gmail.com