Project management maturity and excellence models

  Stirring in the fruit bowl   FEATURED PAPER By Henny Portman The Netherlands Why maturity models or excellence … [Read more...]

Interview with Mike DePrisco, PMI

  The Great Resignation in the USA and Big Reveals for PM Professionals from PMI’s 2021 Survey Interview with Mike DePrisco Interim … [Read more...]

The Changing Project Management Landscape

  Project Management in Southern Africa: Approaches, Experience, Trends SERIES ARTICLE By Prof Les Labuschagne Pretoria, South … [Read more...]

What is Scrum?

  Sensemaking in the Agile Forest SERIES ARTICLE By Henny Portman The Netherlands Introduction Scrum[1], developed in 1995 … [Read more...]

Addressing Corruption Risks in the Construction Industry

  and its Projects   FEATURED PAPER By Bob Prieto Chairman & CEO Strategic Program Management LLC Jupiter, Florida, … [Read more...]

Assessment of the Effectiveness of Construction Managers

  on Maintaining Quality, Cost and Time on Project Delivery in Delta State, (Case Study of Isoko Community)   FEATURED … [Read more...]

The Role of Leadership on the Operational Performance

  of State-Owned Enterprises in Zimbabwe   FEATURED PAPER By Dr. Graham Anesu Mhlakaza and Prof. Dawid de … [Read more...]

Black Soot Menace and its Impact

  on Residental Buildings  in Rivers State, Nigeria   FEATURED PAPER By Irene Chinwe Efekalam, PhD Department of Estate … [Read more...]

Interview with Lee Lambert

  Creation of the PMP and some things I’ve learned about Project Management since then Interview with Lee Lambert Author, Consultant, … [Read more...]