Variability Risks and Event Risks

  A brief guide Practical Project Risk Management SERIES ARTICLE By Martin Hopkinson United Kingdom Conceptualize risks so … [Read more...]

Let’s talk about public projects!

  Introduction to a new Series SERIES ARTICLE By Stanisław Gasik, PhD Warsaw, Poland “The most significant disruption of the … [Read more...]

Addressing ‘agility’ in current project management standards

  and other authoritative publications   Advances in Project Management Series SERIES ARTICLE By Robert Buttrick United … [Read more...]

Is it time to rethink agile?

  Advances in Project Management SERIES ARTICLE By Prof Darren Dalcher Director, National Centre for Project Management Lancaster … [Read more...]

Projectification of society

  The beauty and the beast Projects and project management for a sustainable social impact SERIES ARTICLE By Reinhard … [Read more...]

Self-managing or self-organizing agile teams

  Sensemaking in the Agile Forest SERIES ARTICLE By Henny Portman The Netherlands Self-managing or self-organizing? Many … [Read more...]

Agile Methods in Project Business

  Project Business Management SERIES ARTICLE By Oliver F. Lehmann Munich, Germany “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt … [Read more...]

Pareto Analysis

  Quick Tips for Team Leaders SERIES ARTICLE By Jeff Oltmann Oregon, USA Pareto analysis is used to help decide which of many … [Read more...]

Three-scenario Estimates: A brief guide

  Practical Project Risk Management SERIES ARTICLE By Martin Hopkinson United Kingdom Purpose Provide a means of modelling … [Read more...]