Leading Virtual Dynamic Learning Organizations

  FEATURED PAPER By Prof. Dr. Pieter Steyn Cranefield College, South Africa and Prof. Dr. Brane Semolič LENS Living Lab, … [Read more...]

Project Duration Increase from Rework

  FEATURED PAPER By Walt Lipke Oklahoma, USA     Abstract The introduction of Earned Schedule (ES), as an … [Read more...]

Implementation Model of Project Management Office

in Real Estate Development   FEATURED PAPER By Habib Fayadh, PMP PMO Director,Meinhardt Riyadh, Saudi … [Read more...]

Nonlinear Mathematical Models

Quantitative Models of Emergence in Light of Mathematical Theory of Human Systems Part 2: Nonlinear Mathematical Models of New Quality … [Read more...]

Demographic determinants of financial literacy

in the Masvingo Province of Zimbabwe   FEATURED PAPER By Norman Marime, Rabson Magweva, Farai Don Dzapasi Great Zimbabwe … [Read more...]

Human resources management practices

and Human-related factors affecting private real estate project implementation success in South-East Nigeria   FEATURED PAPER By Christian … [Read more...]

Cost Control and Multilateral Financing

of Engineering Projects in Nigeria   FEATURED PAPER Dr. Reuben A. Okereke, Tobechi B. Ejekwu, Victor O. Ohamma Department of Quantity … [Read more...]

Foreign Aid – Economic Growth Nexus:

An Empirical Study of the Zimbabwean Case   FEATURED PAPER By Tasiyana Siavhundu Gweru, … [Read more...]

Increasing project management involvement

in the initial choice of projects   FEATURED PAPER By Alan Stretton, PhD (Hon) Sydney, Australia     INTRODUCTION In … [Read more...]