Accelerating global and local VUCA-related disruptors

  as drivers for organisational strategic responses Revisiting organisational strategic management (Part 5) SERIES ARTICLE By Alan … [Read more...]

Managing Effective Meetings

  Virtual or In Person   Converting to Online Teaching A series of short guidance articles for educators and … [Read more...]

Creativity, Imagination and Transformation

  (from Disruption, Change & Transformation in Organisations: A Human Relations Perspective) Advances in Project Management … [Read more...]

From adversity to innovation

  Forging a creative discovery journey Advances in Project Management SERIES ARTICLE By Prof Darren Dalcher Director, National … [Read more...]

Individual Time Management

  Converting to Online Teaching A series of short guidance articles for educators and institutions SERIES ARTICLE By John Cable, … [Read more...]

Part 2: Project Schedule Functions

  Developing a Standards Based Project Management Information System SERIES ARTICLE By Jeremy C. Bellah, PhD Director, Center of MIS … [Read more...]

Incorporating strategic drivers

  into the recursive strategic management model, and discussing differences between industries Revisiting organisational strategic … [Read more...]

Creating Project and Organizational “Connectic – Energy”

  Positive Leadership in Project Management SERIES ARTICLE By Frank Saladis, PMP, PMI Fellow New York, NY, USA   Most … [Read more...]

Predictability & Order in Project Business

  Project Business Management SERIES ARTICLE By Oliver F. Lehmann Munich, Germany   “Life can only be understood … [Read more...]