Managing Complex Construction Projects

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title:  Managing Complex Construction Projects: A Systems Approach Author:  John K. Briesemeister Publisher:  CRC … [Read more...]

Welcome to the May 2023 PMWJ

  WELCOME By David Pells Managing Editor Addison, Texas, USA Welcome to the May 2023 edition of the PM World Journal, the … [Read more...]

Culture makes or breaks your agile transition

  Sensemaking in the Agile Forest SERIES ARTICLE By Henny Portman The Netherlands Introduction[1] We all know Peter … [Read more...]

May 2023 UK Project Management Round Up

  Good News (BREXIT, New Science Funding, Electric Aircraft, Flying Taxis), Bad News (Emergency Service Network, Russia takes Sakhalin-2 … [Read more...]

To Do Doing Done

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title: To Do Doing Done: A Creative Approach to Managing Projects and Effectively Finishing What Matters Most Authors: … [Read more...]

Advanced Project Scheduling

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title:  Advanced Project Scheduling Using Microsoft Project Author: Robert Posener Publisher: PM Complete List Price: … [Read more...]

Capturing Upside Risk

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title: Capturing Upside Risk: Finding and Managing Opportunities in Projects Author: Dr. David Hillson, aka The Risk … [Read more...]

Thriving in a Male-Dominated Workplace

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title:  Thriving in a Male-Dominated Workplace Authors: Stacey Abrams, Lara Hodgson, Joseph Grenny, Michelle P. … [Read more...]

The Little Black Book of Project Management

  BOOK REVIEW Book Title: The Little Black Book of Project Management (First Edition) Author: Michael C. Thomsett Publisher: Amacom List … [Read more...]