Book Title: The Power of Project Management Leadership: Your Guide on How to Achieve Outstanding Results
Author: Laszlo A. Retfalvi
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing
List Price: $19.50
Format: Soft cover, 144 pages
Publication Date: March 2014
ISBN: 1493652281
Reviewer: Brenda Maria Lopez Cabrera
Review Date: December 2023
The management of a project has several factors that you need to master if you want to achieve outstanding results. One of them is how to be a visionary and engaged leader with your team. How to inspire trust and confidence and influence the behavior of the team members and stakeholders so that they are willing to follow you as a leader. A strong communication, confidence, knowledge, financial basis and how to anticipate possible risks are keys factors for your success.
Overview of Book’s Structure
This book is like a good talk with a friend, easy to read and understand. Laszlo explains the Project Management Leadership Model, which has four components: Project Management Expertise, Core Leadership Skills, Risk-Smart Attitude and Accountability-based Behavior. The first two chapters are a general overview of the model and then from chapter three to six are dedicated to each component. The chapter seven is about how to play at the same time these components to be an outstanding Project Manager. Chapter eight is for a detailed assessment to baseline your current performance. Chapter nine contains advice and techniques to develop the management leadership.
Being a project manager doesn´t mean that you will become a leader automatically, but you can work on that attribute and become good with people, this means being the change or causing the change, seeing the big picture and know the right way to approach things, people, and situations that you might face during a project.
Highlights: What I liked!
I liked the conversational tone of the book; you can feel that you are talking with a friend who provides you advices that can work for professional or personal life! It provides key project management and leadership qualities.
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How to cite this work: Cabrera, B. M. L. (2024). The Power of Project Management Leadership, book review, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue I, January. Available online at
About the Reviewer
Brenda Maria Lopez Cabrera
Queretaro, Mexico
Brenda Lopez has eight years of experience in project management. She holds a Business Administration Degree from Tecnologico de Monterrey and a Certification as Scrum Master. She joined Ericsson in 2014 and has built her career in this telecommunications company running construction and financial projects, and upgrading or building new networks across the United States. The teamwork and communication are crucial to have good results. In her free time, she enjoys reading, yoga or climbing and a new hobby is running… Brenda lives in Queretaro, Mexico and can be contacted at
Editor’s note: This book review was the result of a partnership between the PM World Journal and the PMI Dallas Chapter. Authors and publishers provide books to the PM World Journal Editor; books are delivered to the PMI Dallas Chapter where they are offered free to PMI members who agree to provide a review within 45 days; book reviews are published in the PM World Journal and PM World Library. Reviewers can normally claim PDU’s for PMP recertification (or continuing education credits for other certifications) upon publication of their book reviews.
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