The benefits of multilayer communication


in a strategic asset acquisition project:

My three key lessons learned for success



By Manuel Ancizu

Pamplona, Spain


In this article, the author shares his firsthand experience leading a high-stakes strategic asset acquisition project and his three key lessons learned: the importance of fostering positive relationships with counterparts, managing communication across multiple levels, and actively engaging relevant stakeholders.

These strategies led to comply with all the targets established and served as a solid foundation for the highest sales month ever for the product line.

Body of Article

It was April 2004 when I began working at a multinational consumer goods company in Mexico, where I was hired as a Production Planning Manager, in charge of overseeing around 450 tons of product per month and working mainly with subcontractors.

Within only a few weeks, the multinational agreed to acquire the leading brand in the sector at that time, which suddenly increased the volume to manage to 4,500 tons per month, meaning ten times more volume, and it was only my first few weeks on the job!

Additionally, the contract included a clause granting both parties a one-year period to gradually reduce production at the original factory until its closure, while incrementally transferring all the production workload to the group’s main subcontractor, that was also investing to increase its production capacity to accommodate such a large volume.

It was definitely a real challenge.

Two parallel teams were nominated:

  1. High-level Steering Committee for contract and divestment issues, made up of the Chief Operations Officer of the multinational and his counterpart from the company selling the brand.
  2. Day-to-day project execution, made up of the plant manager of the factory to be closed within a year and myself, as the Production Planner; we were in charge of implementing the contract and the roadmap agreed by the management.

The project involved significant complexity, multiple stakeholders, high production volumes, and a limited one-year timeframe to execute. Moreover, it was instructed to ensure a smooth transition for the employees and to maintain excellent customer service while progressively reducing production at one factory and increasing it at the main subcontractor, coordinating also the investment needed to cope with the new volumes in the new facilities.

Multilayer communication was fundamental to the success of this project for all involved parties.

Reflecting on this experience, here are my most valuable communication-related lessons learned to achieve such success:


To read entire article, click here

How to cite this work: Ancizu. M. (2024).  The benefits of multilayer communication in a strategic asset acquisition project: My three key lessons learned for success, advisory, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue VIII, August. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/pmwj144-Aug2024-Ancizu-benefits-of-mulilayer-communication-in-strategic-asset-acquisition-project-2.pdf

About the Author

Manuel Ancizu

Pamplona, Spain


Human leadership, Global Sustainable Projects, Renewable energy, Story-teller, Keynote speaker, Lifetime learner, Risk management, Standardization

Manuel Ancizu is passionate about human leadership, sustainable projects and people’s motivations. Enjoys working in international multicultural environments and wants to have a positive impact in society.

Manuel graduated in Economics from University of Navarra and obtained an MBA from IESE Business School (Spain); he has also studied in CEIBS (China) and University Anahuac del Sur (Mexico). He holds a number of professional certificates such as the PMP by Project Management Institute, Lead Auditor in ISO 9001:2015 by IRCA Association and has also received training in Management of Development Projects and Risk Management by Interamerican Development Bank (IDB).

Manuel has lived in Spain, France, UK and Mexico; he currently works in the wind energy sector leading the quality management of Offshore projects. Manuel has been involved in wind energy renewable projects developed in different parts of the globe with external customers, as well as in internal projects of cultural transformation, IT and global processes.

Thanks to his experience, he has delivered training sessions, lectures and keynotes to a different number of institutions.

Manuel is a qualified member of the Spanish Standardization Body (UNE) and has been involved in the development of Standards and Norms in Projects, Programs and Portfolios; he has also participated in the translation of different ISO 21500 to Spanish language.

Manuel loves smiling, storytelling, dreaming and making ideas come true in a sustainable manner.

Manuel lives in Pamplona, Spain and can be contacted at  manuel@manuelancizu.com

To view other works by Manuel Ancizu, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/manuel-ancizu-beramendi/