and PPPM standards
By Prof Vyacheslav Pozniakov
Moscow, Russia
Currently modern methods of project, program and portfolios management (PPPM) have widespread implementation in the national, as well as in a number of foreign economies. There are a lot of a vivid examples of these, which have received international acceptance and distribution. Among these are ISO 10006 [8], PMBoK Guide [9], ICB IPMA Competence Baseline [10], P2M [11], PRINCE 2 [12], etc. At the same time the problem of remaining a large number of unsuccessful projects and programs up to 50-90 percent in a number of industries still exist. The problem above is considered. Based on international and national experiences, some ways to improve the situation, including creation of widely and easily accessible systems of databases of positive and negative PPPM experiences are offered. The concepts of PPPM and PPPM’ standards value and the methods for their determination are introduced. Also it is proposed to expand the system of the main processes of PPPM, recommended by most modern PPPM standards.
Keywords: Project management, unsuccessful projects, databases on completed projects, project management standards, the basic project management processes.
Currently, PPPM are successfully used and are becoming more widespread in Russia and abroad, and there is much vivid evidence of this. As a result of notable successes, many publications and speeches affirm the legitimacy and high efficiency of applying PPPM to all types of projects, programs, portfolios, and calls for the widespread introduction of PPPM in all areas of activity and in any conditions .
At the same time, the results of PPPM are not 100 percentage positive everywhere and not always. According to a number of international studies, the proportion of unsuccessful projects, at least, in a number of modern industries, ranges from 50 to 90 percent. Experience shows that in other sectors of economies the situation is not much better.
There are no domestic statistics on this topic, but it can be assumed that in Russia the number of failed projects is even greater.
The latter circumstance, as well as the accompanying economic and other losses, cause project participants disappointment and doubts about the potential of the PPPM, which negatively affects its further development and successful use.
This problem seems relevant for the Russian national economy, given the scale of the projects being implemented in the country (about 20% of GDP) and the increasing attention of the country’s leadership at all levels to the widespread introduction of PPPM in the management of various sectors of the national economy (see “The main directions of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2018”, as well as the creation at the end of 2016 the Department of Project Activities of the Russian Federation Government, etc.) .
The article considers the problem formulated above, suggests some possible solutions, including taking into account international and national experience.
The article is intended for the main stakeholders of the development and implementation of projects, participants in the training and certification of the PPPM specialists.
- Some positive results of PPPM usage in Russia.
As it was noted above, PPPM methods are currently successfully used and are becoming widespread in Russia and abroad. In Russia, in one way or another, PPPM is used virtually in all sectors of the economy and management levels pack a systematic way, on various forms of ownership. In many cases, the application of PPPM methods is the basis for the success of the project and there is much vivid evidence of this. For example, in Russia are results of the Nizhny Novgorod engineering company AO « NIAEP ” in the development and practical use of the methodology of Multi – D. It is complex system pack, a systematic way during the construction of complex engineering structures, such as nuclear power plants. It allowed, for example, in difficult conditions to build the last units of the Rostov nuclear station, to carry out the project at the level of world standards and significantly reduce the time and cost of the project. Impressive are the successes of Sberbank in the field of PPPM, which have received international recognition in the form of first places in international competitions in the field of PPPM.
To read entire article, click here
How to cite this paper: Pozniakov, V. (2020). On the real value of project, program and portfolio management (PPPM) and PPPM standards; PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue VI, June. Available online at
About the Author
Dr. Viacheslav Pozniakov
Moscow, Russia
Viacheslav Pozniakov is professor of Moscow Civil Engineering University. He holds a Doctor of Science from the University of Dnepropetrovsk (currently Dnepr). He was previously Head of the Department for Computer-aided Management Systems at Moscow Civil Engineering University. He has been a visiting professor to the University of London and Leipzig High Engineering School. In different periods of time he headed a department in the World Bank, Moscow construction industry, consulting companies, Ukraine Academy of Science, space industry. He has practical experience in International development projects, construction, IT, transport, space and etc.
Professor Pozniakov has published a number of books and articles on information technology, systems development, project management and management in general, risk management, contracting, project preparation and evaluation. He is one of the founders and Vice-president of the Russian Project Management Association (SOVNET), first International assessor of IPMA, and PM World Today International Editorial Advisor. Professor Pozniakov can be contacted at: