Interview with Americo Pinto


Interview with Americo Pinto

PMO Global Alliance Managing Director
Project Management Institute

Interviewed by Ipek Sahra Ozguler
International Correspondent, PM World Journal
Istanbul, Turkey

Introduction to the interviewee

Americo Pinto is one of the preeminent thought leaders in the Project Management Office (PMO) domain and serves as the Managing Director of the PMO Global Alliance (PMOGA) at the Project Management Institute (PMI). Throughout his 25-year career, he has taken on diverse roles, including executive, consultant, author, researcher, and speaker positions across four continents.

His pioneering work in innovative methodologies and practices over the past two decades has been instrumental in shaping the global PMO landscape. He founded the PMO Global Alliance in 2017, which became the world’s largest global community of PMOs, which was acquired by PMI in 2023.

Americo’s exemplary contributions to the global project management community were recently acknowledged with the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from IBMEC and is currently advancing towards a doctorate at the University of Bordeaux, France. He also holds various esteemed certifications, such as PMP, PMO-CP, PMO-CC, and IPMA-A. He can be contacted at https://www.linkedin.com/in/americopinto


Ipek Sahra Ozguler (Ozguler):  First of all, thank you for accepting an interview request and taking the time to share your experience with PMWJ readers. It was great to meet you recently at PMO unCon 2024 in Istanbul. After our conversation and attending the conference, I wanted to ensure the PMWJ readers understood all the work PMI is doing to amplify the impact and value of PMOs.

Americo Pinto (Pinto): It’s my pleasure! Thank you for inviting me to share my experiences with the PMWJ readers. I’m always excited to connect with a community that values project management and to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about how we can all drive greater success in our organizations.

Ozguler: The new ‘Project Management Offices: A Practice Guide’ was officially announced at PMO unCon 2024. Could you provide brief information about this guide?


To read entire interview, click here

How to cite this interview: Ozguler, I.S. (2025). Interview with Americo Pinto; PM World Journal, Vol. XIV, Issue II, February. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/pmwj149-Feb2025-Ozguler-Interview-Americo-Pinto.pdf

About the Interviewer

Ipek Sahra Ozguler

Istanbul, Turkey


Ipek Sahra Ozguler graduated from the Istanbul University, Turkey with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering and from Middle East Technical University, Turkey with an MSc degree in Software Management. As a project manager, she has more than 13 years of experience in various areas such as portfolio management, program management, project management, software management, business analysis. She became a certified PMP in 2012 and a certified SCRUM Master in 2014.

She has gained broader insights in a variety of projects across manufacturing, defence, FMCG (Cola Cola), insurance (Euler Hermes), audit (Deloitte), telecommunication, aviation and finance sectors. In addition, she has been working as an international correspondent for the PM World Journal since 2014.

Ipek is the creator and editor of the highly acclaimed book, The Perspective of Women Project Management Professionals, interviews with leading female PM experts and professionals around the world. The book was published in March 2020 and is available here.

Ipek is based in Istanbul, Turkey and can be contacted at ipeksahra@gmail.com. Her portfolio is published at the http://ipeksahra.strikingly.com/ and https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/ipek-sahra-ozguler/.