Engineering Infrastructure and National Development


The Need for Cost Control



By Tobechi B. Ejekwu, PhD, Olabisi O. Ajiferuke, Kubiat-Sifon Thompson and Hammed Lawal

Department of Quantity Surveying
Niger Delta University

Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa, Nigeria


This paper sought to determine the drivers and effective tips for combating the barriers to effective Cost Control systems in Engineering Infrastructure geared towards national development in the construction industry in Nigeria. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to some selected Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers in Siegal Construction Company in Owerri, Imo State Nigeria. The study was carried out in south-eastern Nigeria and data collected analyzed by percentages and means. Results showed that, Training and education of Cost Control Client commitment and involvement  and Government intervention, were considered as drivers to cost control system. Results also showed that amongst the eight items considered as barriers of cost control systems, unreliability of data, Separation of capital and running cost of project  and Type of investor/user were prominent. Amongst seven items deemed as the necessary techniques for the improvement of Cost Control systems, Reengineering of building and maintenance Process, Integrated approach in infrastructural design and construction, and Introducing new construction and maintenance concepts, received the highest recommendations from the professionals. It is recommended that the above suggested views by the professionals be adopted by the construction industry as an effective technique to cost control systems towards national development.

Keywords: Engineering Infrastructure, National development, Cost Control

1.0 Introduction

Infrastructures are the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society like industries, buildings, roads, bridges, health services, governance and so on. It is the enterprise or the products, services and facilities necessary for an economy to function Infrastructure can be described generally as the set of interconnected structural elements that provide framework supporting an entire structure of development. It is the means of achieving an objective or set of objectives and also includes the objectives. It is an important term for judging a country, region or state’s and individual’s developments/status. Infrastructure can be used to refer to the technical structures that support a society, such as roads, water supply, sewers, electrical national grids, telecommunications, and so forth, and can be defined as “the physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions” (Fulmer, 2009). The definition of infrastructure within the context of economy includes services from (World Development Report, 1994): (1) Public Utilities – power, telecommunications, piped gas, water supply, sanitation & sewerage, solid waste collection and disposals (2) Public Works – roads, major dam and canal works for irrigation, urban drainage. (3) Other transportation sectors – railways, urban transport, ports and water-ways, and airports. The most common characterization of an individual element of infrastructure level is as shown in Table 1.

Cost control is the practice of managing and or reducing business expenses. Cost control starts by the business identifying what their costs are and evaluate whether those costs are reasonable and affordable. The, if necessary, they can look for ways to cut costs through method such as cutting back, moving to a less expensive plan or changing service providers. The analysis involves the study of certain specialized cost concepts such as fixed and variable costs, control cost, differential cost, replacement cost, sunk cost, inventorial cost etc. The concept of cost control has to do with various means by which management ensures that their cost element do not get out of hand.


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How to cite this paper: Ejekwu, T. B., Ajiferuke, O. O., Thompson, K-S., Lawal, H. (2025). Engineering Infrastructure and National Development: The Need for Cost Control; PM World Journal, Vol. XIV, Issue II, February. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/pmwj149-Feb2025-Ejekwu-et-al-engineering-infrastructure-and-national-development-need-for-cost-control.pdf

About the Authors

Tobechi B. Ejekwu, PhD

Bayelsa, Nigeria


Tobechi B. Ejekwu is a member of the Nigerian institute of Quantity Surveyors and also licensed by Quantity Surveyor’s registration board of Nigeria. He obtained his BSc, MSc, and Ph.D degrees in Quantity Surveying from Imo State University Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria . His Quantity Surveying professional experience of over ten years spans through his employment with construction firms as well as several years of teaching in the University. His research interest include but not limited to ICT, Sustainability and Life Cycle Costing  in construction, with over fifteen articles published on both journals and conference proceedings. He is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Niger Delta University Wilberforce Island Bayelsa, Nigeria. He is an experienced Quantity Surveyor with industry footprint in many high profiled projects. Ejekwu Tobechi can be contacted at tobejekwu@gmail.com.


Olabisi O.  Ajiferuke

Bayelsa, Nigeria


QS Olabisi O. Ajiferuke obtained her Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree, and Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Quantity Surveying Practices in 2008 and 2016 respectively from the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA). She commenced her teaching career in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke as a Lecturer III in 2019. In 2020, She was employed as an academic staff in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Niger Delta University, and was appointed Coordinator, Quantity Surveying Department in 2021. She is currently a lecturer I at the department. Qs. Olabisi O. AJIFERUKE is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (MNIQS), a Registered Quantity Surveyor (RQS), and Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM). Her research interest areas are; Quantity Surveying Practices, Project Management, Sustainable construction, Digitalization in construction, Resilient infrastructure, construction emotional intelligence, and procurement. tel: 08038515081 email: angelbeecie2003@yahoo.com.


Kubiat-sifon U. Thompson

Bayelsa, Nigeria


QS Kubiat-sifon U. Thompson obtained his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Degree, in Quantity Surveying from the University of Uyo (Uniuyo) in 2007. He further obtained Master of Science Degree in Construction Management from the University of Uyo (Uniuyo) in 2017. He commenced his professional career as a Consultant QS with Nuks Associates, Port Harcourt, River state where he contributed towards the delivery of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Projects in Bayelsa State. In 2011, he Joined Paul-B Nig Ltd, Abuja as a Contractor QS where he contributed professionally to the delivery of various Public and Residential Buildings in Uyo, Nsukka and Abuja. In 2023, he was employed as an academic staff in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa state, and was appointed at the department as the Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) Coordinator. QS Kubiat-sifon U. Thompson is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (MNIQS), a Registered Quantity Surveyor (RQS), and Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM). He is also a Microsoft Certified System Professional (MCP). His research interest areas are; Quantity Surveying Professional Practices, Project Management, Construction Management, and Sustainable Public Procurement. Tel: 0806-737-3623 email: kuddy208@gmail.com


Hammed B. Lawal

Bayelsa, Nigeria


QS Hammed B. Lawal obtained his National Diploma (ND) in Quantity Surveying from Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State in 2009 and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Quantity Surveying from the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) in 2014. He further obtained Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Quantity Surveying (Cost Management Option) from the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) in 2021.He is currently pursuing his doctoral programme in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun state. In 2016, he commenced his professional career as a Consultant QS with U-Nuel Partnership, Benin City, Edo state where he contributed professionally to the delivery of various Public and Residential Buildings in Asaba, Benin and Lagos. In 2019-2023, he was employed as an academic staff in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Osun state College of Technology (OSCOTECH) where he served as a final year project coordinator. In 2023, He was later employed as an academic staff in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Niger Delta University (NDU) and was appointed at the department as the departmental Examination Officer and Welfare Officer.

QS Hammed B. Lawal is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (MNIQS) and an aspiring member of Registered Quantity Surveyor (RQS). His research interest areas are; Construction Economics, Quantity Surveying Professional Ethics and Practices, Contract Administration and Sustainable Public E-Procurement Technology. Tel: 08162870047 email: lawalhbolaji68@gmail.com