Business Management Competency


and Formal Management Training



By Michael Marshall, PhD

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Have you become angry, stressed and frustrated with the management of a company or business that you work for?

Have you become angry, stressed and frustrated with a business you were at shopping or dealing with some service or products?

When speaking with management staff, have you become angry, stressed and frustrated wondering how these managers became a manager and yet be so incompetent and lack understanding.

Let’s just start with some simple statistics and research to help explain this.

Research and studies show that 40 to 82 percent of business managers at many levels

Do Not have any formal management training or business training, depending on industry.

82 percent report lack of management training and No continual training.

Research and studies of managers indicate 40 percent to 60 percent of managers feel Overwhelmed and Not competent.

Are you surprised at this?

There seems to be several common causes of this.

  • Senior management themselves are not formally well trained in business management so they do not understand the importance of this.  The company business environment becomes the blind leading the blind with incompetency being their norm.
  • The company or business offers low pay and maybe a bad toxic work environment so good well trained staff and management will not work in such a place.  They cannot attract or keep good well trained competent people.


To read entire article, click here

How to cite this article: Marshall, M. (2025).  Business Management Competency and Formal Management Training, PM World Journal, Vol. XIV, Issue II, February. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pmwj149-Feb2025-Marshall-business-management-competency.pdf

About the Author 

Michael Marshall, PhD

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Michael Marshall has over 40 years of business experience to senior leadership levels and advisory/consulting in many markets and industries, national and global, with responsibilities in sales management, marketing and business development along with a PhD in business, MBA and degrees in psychology and social human behavior before teaching internationally at university level (China, Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, United States) and US Embassy. He has over 58 professional business certifications to keep highly competent. Michael continually seeks out knowledge with additional education, trainings, research, and experience, to keep on the leading edge of business effectiveness and business development. He has over 48 international publishing’s on many business and business development subjects.

He can be contacted at mmarsall1236@gmail.com

To view other works by Michael Marshall, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/michael-marshall-phd/