Agile Beyond IT



Book Title: Agile Beyond IT: How to develop agility in project management in any sector
Author: Adrian Payne
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
List Price: $37.86
Format: Digital and Print, 252 pages
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: (Print) 9781788603270/(EPub) 9781788603287
Reviewer: Andre’a Alston
Review Date: November 2024



This books foundational content/and core details specifically focus on the direct correlation between (IT) information technology and agility as key drivers to successfully manage projects/and programs in any industry/and or business sector. While agility is often misunderstood, its impact when used in conjunction with (IT) information technology systems, tools, and applications result in the formulation of strategic partnerships/relationships, task automation, ease of documentation, enhanced product/or service outcomes, etc. However, if your business entity does not have/or is not actively fostering a culture of change relative to people and technology management, then using/or leveraging agility and (IT) information technology to manage projects/programs will not be considered, adapted, or implemented.

Overview of Book’s Structure

This book is comprised of ten chapters in total. Within the first few chapters, the author focuses on building a solid foundation relative to project/and program management by using common actions/and terms that exist across most industries, before introducing the importance of agility, change culture, people management, and the use of (IT) information technology. As a result, the latter portion of the book focuses on introduction of (IT) information technology within the project/program management space and how utilizing this option in conjunction with agility can produce both positive or negative outcomes, if the appropriate level of support is not received from the decision-making stakeholders (i.e. senior management and/or the executive suite) who hold the power of approval. However, when agile practices in conjunction with (IT) information technology are implemented and used within an environment where change is cultivated, supported, and consistently managed amongst people, the project/program management process itself is less cumbersome and expectations are exceeded.


The first major highlight/and area of focus within this book consists of the reiteration of agility and (IT) information technology within project/and program management which single handedly serves as a dual approach that exists to address the complexities of project/and program management.


To read entire Book Review, click here

How to cite this work: Alston, A. (2024). Agile Beyond IT: How to develop agility in project management in any sector, book review, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue XI, December. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/pmwj147-Dec2024-Alston-Agile-beyond-IT-book-veview.pdf

About the Reviewer

Andre’a Alston

Maryland, USA


Andre’a Alston is a creative and expressive healthcare professional who has a passion for helping others which has driven both her personal and professional growth for many years. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, enjoys being creative (i.e. painting, taking pictures, and creating other artwork), traveling, exploring the outdoors, shopping, and taking on new risks within the journey of life. As a professional with a decade of experience, she has used her creative/and innovative instinct along with other transferable skills to develop solutions to address long-standing problems, while simultaneously working in both patient-facing and provider-facing roles.

Andre’a has worked in a variety of settings that include and are not limited to: quality/continuous quality improvement, patient advocacy/and transitional support, project/program management, data statistics/and informatics, physician/and business support, etc. Her professional credentials include possession of a (A.A.S.) associate degree in graphic design, (BHCM) bachelor’s degree in healthcare management, and a (MBA) master’s degree in business administration. She can be contacted at  andrea.b.alston@outlook.com or LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-alston

Editor’s note: This book review was the result of a partnership between the publisher, the PM World Journal and the PMI Silver Spring Chapter. Authors and publishers provide the books to the PMWJ editor or directly to the PMI Silver Spring Chapter, where they are offered free to PMI members to review; book reviews are published in the PM World Journal and PM World Library.  PMI Silver Spring Chapter members can keep the books as well as claim PDUs for PMP recertification when their reviews are published.

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