Book Title: Transforming Business with Program Management
Author: Satish P. Subramanian
Publisher: CRC Press
List Price: $63.16
Format: Hardcover, 222 pages
Publication Date: 2015
ISBN: 13-978-1-4665-9099-1
Reviewer: Deborah Reinagel, PMP
Review Date: June 2019
This book demonstrates how Program Management can give organizations a competitive edge when implementing business transformation. Subramanian illuminates how program management unites strategy, people, process, technology, structure, and measurement to drive and sustain business transformation. The book draws parallels between strategic planning and project management aimed to restructure current state business. Subramanian provides strategies and techniques for organizations to utilize in pursuit of successfully transforming programs.
Overview of Book’s Structure
Satish Subramanian very clearly addresses the business case for writing this book, the benefit to implementing the processes shared, and risks from not following the process. The book encompasses how organizations are employing program management to deliver the outcomes desired of complex, strategic, cross functional initiatives. The book is composed of 12 chapters. The first two chapters are meant to set the stage. Chapter 1 gives the reader background of how we have come to need Program management and why businesses need to incorporate these methodologies to gain a competitive edge. Chapter 2 then begins to give a synapse of the remaining book and how each chapter is organized. Chapters 3 – 12 are dedicated to each of the 10 principles of program management. The chapters dedicated to each of the 10 principles clearly explains the chapter key concept and submits an outline of the points supporting the concept to be further explained within the chapter. Chapters are all supported with many visuals, objectives, benefits, a real-world case study and a chapter summary.
Visual learners will appreciate the many illustrations to demonstrate key concepts throughout the book. Additionally, the book provides examples of what a specific model would look like or a how to validate a process. The book is easy to read and very fluid. Every chapter utilizes the same chapter format making it easy to reference or refer back to key concepts regarding a process. Chapters begin with a business case, followed by Key points, action items, expectations and closes with a real-life case study to provide backup for the principles discussed.
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About the Reviewer
Deborah Reinagel, PMP
San Antonio, TX, USA
Deborah Reinagel is Director of Program Management for a Healthcare organization in San Antonio. She has established a career history of improving business systems for a variety of industries by utilizing technology, data intelligence and project management best practices. The business systems she has initiated increased performance and reduced cost. Deborah is experienced in cultivating teams and building departments from scratch. She has created new revenue streams and helped support business development teams with data analytics. She has received recognition for applying superior project management skills to improve business performance.
Deborah is an alumna from Texas A&M Corpus Christi with a BBA in Finance, PMP, and is a certified Six Sigma Green Belt. In addition to serving as VP of Finance for the Alamo PMI Chapter, Deborah participates in the Alamo Chapter book review program. She can be contacted at
Editor’s note: This book review was the result of a partnership between the publisher, PM World and the PMI Alamo Chapter. Authors and publishers offer the books to PM World; books are delivered to the PMI Alamo Chapter, where they are offered free to PMI members to review; book reviews are published in the PM World Journal and PM World Library. PMI Alamo Chapter members can keep the books as well as claim PDUs for PMP recertification when their reviews are published.
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