Project Management Applied to Government
Part 3 of 3
By Ana Maria Rodriguez, MSE, PMP, LIMC
Adriana Salomón, PMP
Rosario, Argentina
This article continues to document the experience of the Rosario Habitat Program (RHP), developed since 2000 by the Public Housing Service[1] of the City of Rosario (Argentina), in which many Project Management practices have been implemented since its inception. In the previous editions of PM World Today we presented the background to the Rosario Habitat Program,[2] the application of the conceptual framework of Project Management and the analysis of Integration Management, Scope Management, Time Management, and Cost Management[3]. In this paper we examine specifically the application of the concepts of Quality, Human Resources, Communications, Risk and Procurement Management in the Rosario Habitat Program. We will also conclude about the experience of Project Management in Government Programs.
Quality Management
The Rosario Habitat Program has made a continuous effort in quality management. During the inception of the program we worked on defining objectively verifiable indicators of the program quality, these are a vital element of the Logical Framework Matrix[4] methodology that structures the program. Once the indicators were defined, quality assurance was implemented through a monitoring system. . The system verifies that each of the tasks involved in each project meets the expected levels of satisfaction. Since the Rosario Habitat Program primary beneficiaries are the inhabitants of informal settlements, the system gives special importance to systematically collect their views on the quality of the actions that are being implemented.
In cases of low satisfaction results, the impact on each project goals are reviewed leading to adjustments. As the program is constituted by a large amount of actions that generate major deliverables, quality is monitored on all these actions as a way to avoid deliverables that do not meet expected quality levels.
Once each project is finished a final assessment is conducted, where objective compliance is reviewed. This evaluation verifies that the actions produced the components or deliverables specified in project definition, complying with the indicators as originally intended.
Human Resources Management
The management of these types of government projects requires an interdisciplinary approach. To accomplish this, the following actions are performed:
- Human Resource Recruitment was modified. Professional degrees were no more the basis for role assignment. Profile requirements were redefined, focusing on previous experiences and learning ability and flexibility. Recruitment has been in most cases through application processes.
- The traditional form of public work where there is a priority on compliance of schedule was changed by a goal-oriented work.
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Editor’s note: Second Editions are previously published papers that have continued relevance in today’s project management world, or which were originally published in conference proceedings or in a language other than English. Original publication acknowledged; authors retain copyright. This paper was originally published in PM World Today in February 2010. It is republished here with the authors’ permission.
How to cite this paper: Rodriguez, A.M., Salomón, A. (2010). The Rosario Habitat Program Experience: Project Management Applied to Government, Part 3; republished in the PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue V, May 2021. Originally published in PM World Today, Vol XII, Issue II, February. Available online at
About the Authors
Ana Maria Rodriguez, MSE, PMP, LIMC
Rosario, Argentina
Ms. Ana Maria Rodriguez offers consulting services to the Engineering and Construction Industry in Argentina, and is an adjunct professor of project management at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. She is Founder of ERA Project Management. Colombian by birth, Ms. Rodriguez graduated with a Civil Engineering Degree from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota and from the University of Texas at Austin, USA with a Masters Degree in Construction Engineering and Project Management (MSE). She earned the Project Management Professional (PMP) and is a graduate from the Leadership Institute MasterClass of the Project Management Institute. Ms Rodriguez has implemented Project Management best practices and managed projects both in the government sector and in the engineering and construction private sector. Ms. Rodriguez is also an active member of PMI in Argentina, and is an international correspondent for PMForum and PM World Today in Argentina. Ms. Rodriguez welcomes contact at also at
Adriana Solomón
Rosario, Argentina
Adriana Solomón is an architect, graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, and Project Management Professional (PMP). She attended the Project Management Program at INDES-Interamerican Development Bank. Managing Partner at ERA Project Management and Partner at Prohabitat XXI. Se ha desempeñado como Coordinadora General del Programa Rosario Hábitat, gerenciando la ejecución simultánea de varios proyectos. She served as General Coordinator for the Rosario Habitat Program, through the design and implementation phases. She has worked with the PM4R program of INDES as trainer and facilitator for processes on projects all overall Latinamerica. She is actually in charge of the Area of Programs and Projects in the Servicio Publico de la Vivienda, Municipalidad de Rosario. Additional information can be found in Adriana Solomon can be reached at
[1] Servicio Público de la Vivienda, Municipalidad de Rosario