The role of project human resources management


in organizational health projects



By Tatiana El Sayah Kharma

Beirut, Lebanon


The current business world is forcing organization to adapt to change and find a competitive edge. It is crucial to utilize efficiently the resource of an organization; human resources are considered as one of the most important factor for the success of any project. Human Resource management help close the gap between employees’ performance and the organization’s strategic objectives in any project adopted. The health of employees has become a key determinant of their work performance; the project Human resource management can contribute a great deal in health project enhancement and improvement of work performance.


Globalization is constantly changing the professional life and presenting it with new challenges. As the world is shifting to knowledge-based economy, the rise of technology and in competition is reshaping the world and changing the employee’s daily work. The entire organizational process is changing; the days of the traditional Human Resources (HR) is changing as well (Digital Analytics Team, 2019).

The Human resources role has been evolving now, adapting to the new reality and is needed in playing an important role during this transition in supporting the organization through these changes. Their new role is to manage those changes as they represent an important organizational resource: the people (Williams, 2021).

In all businesses, the management needs to acknowledge that they depend on their Human capital to achieve success. The human capital is the reason behind creating value (Ram Charan et al., 2015). Human resource function needs to be seen as an important function just as the finance function and become a true strategic partner in the company (Ulrich, 1998). The role of the Human Resource manager needs to be evolving as the value added by the HR manager is as important as the financial manager input. If the management sees that the people are the source of competitive advantage, then the Human Resource function needs to be elevated.

The Human resource function has the ability to make the connection between the organization and business results. Developing a comprehensive Human resource management that is embedded in the organization’s history, culture, and structure will not only enhances performance, but also leads the firm’s system to be more difficult for competitors to imitate (Liu et al., 2007). The success of the HR role depends on the knowledge of a business’s strategy and the existing capabilities of the organization.

In the current era, the Human resource can contribute a great deal in build organizational capability to support the execution of business strategy (Hults, 2011). The HR’ function or the people function has seen changes in its functions. The focus is now on the impact of people, motivation and engagement, as a critical distinguishing factor in the race for success during globalization and advance in technology.

The project human resource management is an essential element of project management and has an impact on the success or failure of a project (Cantemir, 2018). It is the role of the Human resource during a project to organize, manage and lead the project teams as the function has a strategic role (Demilliere, 2014). This article discusses the changing role of the project human resource management in the current changing business world and the contribution that human resources bring to any project especially in enhancing employee’s health and improving work performance.

The changing role of the HR

The Human resource role must be clearly stated. Redefining the role of the Human resource in this pace of change requires a commitment to change. Before organizations can survive in a volatile environment, HR needs to get its responsibilities together.  HR need to be connected to the real world of the organizations and not only limited to handle paper works (Ulrich, 1998).

Agility is now working its way to Human Resource department. Agility is moving away from rules and planning based approach to be able to move/adapt as faster as the other functions. Agility offers organization with opportunity to be flexible, to adapt and respond quickly to alternations and to implement actions in order to control market uncertainty and risk (Sherehiy et al., 2007).


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How to cite this paper: Kharma, T. E. S. (2022). The role of project human resources management in organizational health projects; PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue X, October. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/pmwj122-Oct2022-El-Sayah-role-of-project-HR-management-in-health-projects.pdf

About the Author

Tatiana El Sayah Kharma
Beirut, Lebanon


Tatiana EL Sayah is a currently pursuing her doctoral degree with a focus on Leadership and HR at Universite Saint Joseph-Beirut. She used to work as an Actuarial analyst in the Private health insurance sector in Beirut helping companies assess and manage their risk. She was also a tutor of micro and macro-economic courses at the Arab Open University –Beirut in the business faculty. She currently works as freelancer market analyst studying product design and market needs for Lebanon and Africa. She can be contacted at sayah_tatyana@hotmail.com