By Manuel M. Ancizu Beramendi
Pamplona, Spain
This article explores four elements that are key for every project leader or core team member to lead sustainable projects successfully: frameworks, people, risks and learnings. They are defined as the four fundamentals.
If you are entering the world of projects, it might be difficult sometimes to know where to start or what to prioritize among so many activities, words to learn, milestones, stakeholders, communication matrix, team meetings, customer requests… just to name some of them that might be overwhelming.
Yes, at the beginning it might feel overwhelming sometimes but don’t worry too much, it is fully understandable and normal, we have all been there at some point.
In this context, I usually recommend a two-step approach:
a. Remember the project’s purpose and benefits: why are you doing this, what is the project’s purpose? what would be the benefits created if the project was successful? Having purpose and benefits in mind will be very helpful to keep you inspired, move forward and overcome the challenges along the way.
b. Focus your main actions on the four fundamentals to lead sustainable projects successfully: frameworks, people, risks and learnings.
The Four Fundamentals
Let’s explore each of them in detail.
- Frameworks
a. Contract: If it is a project whose deliverables are goods or services to be provided to an external client, the contract is clearly your basic reference document, as it covers the rights and obligations between both parties and the metrics for the project to be considered successful; thus, read it carefully, analyze it and ask any questions that might not be clear enough because the contract will guide the relationship and the actions between the parties throughout the entire life of the project.
To read entire article, click here
How to cite this article: Ancizu Beramendi, M. M. (2022). The four fundamentals to lead sustainable projects successfully, PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue I, January. Available online at
About the Author
Manuel Ancizu
Pamplona, Spain
Human leadership, Global Sustainable Projects, Renewable energy, Story-teller, Keynote speaker, Lifetime learner, Risk management, Standardization
Manuel Ancizu is passionate about human leadership, sustainable projects and people’s motivations. Enjoys working in international multicultural environments and wants to have a positive impact in society.
Manuel graduated in Economics from University of Navarra and obtained an MBA from IESE Business School (Spain); he has also studied in CEIBS (China) and University Anahuac del Sur (Mexico). He holds a number of professional certificates such as the PMP by Project Management Institute, Lead Auditor in ISO 9001:2015 by IRCA Association and has also received training in Management of Development Projects and Risk Management by Interamerican Development Bank (IDB).
Manuel has lived in Spain, France, UK and Mexico; he currently works in the wind energy sector leading the quality management of Offshore projects. Manuel has been involved in wind energy renewable projects developed in different parts of the globe with external customers, as well as in internal projects of cultural transformation, IT and global processes.
Thanks to his experience, he has delivered training sessions, lectures and keynotes to a different number of institutions.
Manuel is a qualified member of the Spanish Standardization Body (UNE) and has been involved in the development of Standards and Norms in Projects, Programs and Portfolios; he has also participated in the translation of different ISO 21500 to Spanish language.
Manuel loves smiling, storytelling, dreaming and making ideas come true in a sustainable manner.
Manuel lives in Pamplona, Spain and can be contacted at