Book Title: The Business of WE: The proven 3-step process for closing the gap between us & them in your workplace
Author: Laura Kriska
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
List Price: USD $19.99
Format: soft cover, 290 pages
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-1-400-21680-2
Reviewer: Vickie Carvajal, PMP
Review Date: June 2021
In this book, the author’s aims to create awareness of the existance of Us vs Them gaps and how to recognize the impact factors such as religion, gender, race, etc. can have in creating gaps and the impact those gaps may have in relationships. Her focus is to provide the tools to bridge and close the Us versus Them gaps.
The author provides a proven process to close the Us versus Them gaps and highlights the benefits of creating a WE culture. She has successfully used the three-step process in organizations by guiding them through the steps to identify cultural gaps and has provided companies and their leaders with tools to assess and recognize the leadership’s role in the Us versus Them gaps. The ultimate goal at the end of the process is to develop plans to close the Us versus Them gaps and implement WE-building actions. The three step process reviewed in detail throughout the book includes:
- Foster Awareness
- Self-Assess
- Take Action
Overview of Book’s Structure
The book was structured in three sections:
Section 2 – THE PROCESS
Throughought the three sections, the author provides details about the three step process to bridge and resolve Us versus Them gaps and uses real-world examples taken from today’s headlines as well as personal and work experience to highlight the various points in each of the chapters within each section. There are 9 chapters in the book. Throughout the various chapters, the author proivides highlights of the section topics via stand-out statements in order to emphasize message.
In the first section, the author focuses on diversity and how it can be a challenge for organizations to address. She also details how to recognize and address communication gaps and highlights the consequences of existing gaps. She encourages organizations to recognize what works and what doesn’t work when addressing cross-cultural issues and provides necessary steps to take in order to gain culutural understanding. The author discusses the benefits of bringing people together, the cost of ignoring and/or not addressing the Us versus Them gaps, and the benefits of creating a WE culture – which include: 1) Increased profitability, 2) Increased Innovation, 4) iImproved Communication and 4) Early warning System.
To read entire Book Review, click here
How to cite this book review: Carvajal, V. (2021) The Business of We, book review, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue VII, July. Available online at
About the Reviewer
Vickie Carvajal
North Texas, USA
Vickie Carvajal, PMP has more than 20 years of experience working in application services and consulting. She has provided project management for a variety of clients in various industries and countries. Vickie has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Angelo State University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Southwest Texas State University.
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