By Antonio Bassi[1], Giacomo Amorati, Giovanni Sciagura,
Jonathan Bertossa, Mark Brauer, Katiuscya Gianini,
Michela Manini Mondia, Simona Sala Tesciat
Department of Innovative Technology
University of Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Viganello, Switzerland
The Faculty of Innovative Technologies of the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) level started in January 2022 a study for the evaluation and monitoring of an organization with respect to the issue of resilience.
The study was based on a structured online google survey sent by email to a selected target.
The target identified are companies located in Switzerland and Italy operating in different sectors, the size of which varies from small, medium and large. The survey includes both local and global organizations and former SUPSI project management graduates are part of this evaluation.
The aim of the entire study is to take a snapshot of the current situation and assess the maturity of project managers and organisations with regard to the issue of resilience. In particular, discover and highlight which practices are already implemented by organizations and which are the most critical and difficult to manage.
The faculty of Innovative Technologies of the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), as a training and research Institute, will therefore be able on one hand to define courses or study programmes to fill these gaps; on the other hand, to continue to disseminate information and useful content on the subject in order to increase the awareness of organisations related to the importance of resilience in project management.
Keywords – Project, Management, Resilience, Organisation, Change
Paper type – Academic Research Paper
1 Introduction
What is meant by resilience? The term comes from the Latin resilire (to leap backwards or bounce back) and refers to the ability of a system to return to its initial state after being subjected to an imbalance.
Depending on the context, resilience can be oriented towards the concept of prevention (protecting oneself from unexpected events) or as an emergency response action in the face of unexpected changes.
According to the Stockholm Resilience Centre, resilience is the ability of a system, be it an individual, a lake, a city or an economy, to cope with change and constantly adapt. Resilience occurs when nature or humans transform traumas such as a financial crisis into opportunities for renewal.
To be resilient therefore does not only mean to oppose adversity, but implies a positive dynamic, the ability to move forward, allowing the Re-building of an improved path or process to respond effectively to crises. So, organisational resilience, if properly represented, also offers companies the possibility of transforming an adverse event into a path of growth and learning.
Considering all the previous definitions and perspectives, the following definition of project resilience is the one considered most valid: it is the ability of the project system to be aware of its surroundings, its vulnerabilities, and the capacity to adapt to recover from disruptive events and achieve its objectives.
In a project lifecycle it is possible that several disruptive events happen, these can be known or unknown in the project phase. In this case, project management is under a lens that counts four main focuses: technology, people, behavior, and organisation. This concept of multidimensional focus has been the subject of various research over time in many disciplines and domains.
2 Methodology
The study starts with a structured online Google survey which was sent via email to a selected target working in companies located in Switzerland and Italy and operating in different sectors, whose size will range from small, mid-size to large, including both local and global organisations.
The study has been developed with the start of a survey in several languages.
The questionnaire has been structured with 27 questions divided into 5 main areas that cover the following main topics:
To read entire paper, click here
How to cite this paper: Bassi, A., Amorati, G., Sciagura, G., Bertossa, J., Brauer, M., Gianini, K., Mondia, M. M., Tesciat, S. S. (2022). Resilient Project Management; PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue VI, June. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/pmwj118-Jun2022-Bassi-et-al-resilient-project-management.pdf
About the Authors
Antonio Bassi
Lugano, Switzerland
Antonio Bassi, graduated in Electronic Engineering, certified Project Management Professional (PMP), member of the Steering Committee of the Project Management Institute – Northern-Italy-Chapter (PMI-NIC) 2004-2008, Lecturer in Project Management at SUPSI, member of the UNI project team for the definition of the ISO21500 and ISO21505 the new norms for project Management, held for 20 years as Project/Program Manager in the context of innovative projects in different market sectors. Antonio is the corresponding author and can be contacted at antonio.bassi@supsi.ch
Co-Authors Short Bios:
Giacomo Amorati, graduated in watchmaking, CAS Project Management, certified in ECDL. Over 7 years of experience in the watchmaking industry and in the luxury field. Since 2015 qualified technical trainer.
Jonathan Bertossa, graduated SSS. in Information Technology, CAS Project Management, CAS Advanced Project Management Skills, certified IT Lean Foundation, 17 years of working experience in Healthcare and Information Technology in the Public Hospitals based in Ticino. Since 2017 Project Management Officer and Project Manager into the IT Governance team.
Mark Brauer, Master of Advanced Studies in Project Management at the SUPSI and Bachelor of Science in Astronomy/Astrophysics at the University of Central Lancashire, both in progress. Prior 7 Years of experience in Project Management at RUAG Aviation and UPC Cablecom.
Katiuscya Gianini-Cusumano, Certified Marketing Consultant, graduated Executive Trainer APF-FFA2, CAS Specialist RVAE (Recognition and Validation of Acquired Experience) and Balance of Competencies, CAS Soft Skills Development PM and CAS Project Management. Deep experience as executive trainer in labor market and active measures. Mentoring for entry trainers supporting applying best practice.
Michela Manini Mondia, Master in Business Administration; Agile Coach and Team facilitator certified. Lecturer and responsible at Supsi CAS “Develop adaptive, agile and sustainable organisations”. Strong experience in digital transformation driving companies to innovate by accomplishing emerging skills and modelling new agile processes based on collaboration, communication and adaptive leadership.
Simona Sala Tesciat, Master of Science in Architecture, CAS Project Manager, more than 10 years of working experience as architect and project manager, projects located in Switzerland and worldwide, focus on food & pharma projects, future cities and innovation.
Giovanni Sciagura, graduated in European economics from the University of Milan and subsequently attended a course in Digital media management at the same university. Attended course in Finance and Accounting Specialist at the Lugano business school. After the first CAS in Project management at SUPSI now doing the CAS in Advanced Project management. Prior worked 1 year in a financial office of the Municipality of Lugano and now are 4 years working at the Public Administration of the Cantone Ticino.
[1] Corresponding author; E-mail: antonio.bassi@supsi.ch