of Extra High Voltage Substations
By Mosab Elbashir MSc, PE, PMP, CQE ASQ
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
This article aims to present some ideas to reduce the cost in substations construction projects based on the experience and best practices. The article emphasizes constructing a systematic model for cost reduction based on the value chain; it also presents different approaches for cost reduction by focusing mainly on the civil scope.
Value chain
The value chain model serves as a tool to sustain the cost reduction and embed this goal into the system in order to reach a more strategic approach rather than isolated one stand initiative.
Figure 1 Value Chain
The basic definition of the project that, it is a unique and, has beginning and end date. The uniqueness of the project means there is always some unique requirements for each project, by realizing these requirements the design parameters must be considered. In the above value chain figure the system requirements and, restriction for each project should be known to help in determining the electrical design parameters required for that project, subsequently the physical requirements to accommodate the electrical equipment are determined. The operation requirement should also be gathered based on the full picture rather than accumulating the spare parts or providing training without reasonable needs. Imbedding this value chain into the system will help in realizing the actual requirements and subsequently cut off the cost automatically by eliminating the redundant activities and materials.
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How to cite this article: Elbashir, M. (2020). Reducing construction Cost of Extra High Voltage Substations, PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue V, May. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/pmwj93-May2020-Elbashir-reducing-construction-cost-of-high-voltage-substations.pdf
About the Author
Eng. Mosab Elbashir
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Eng. Mosab Elbashir Msc, PMP, PE, CQE ASQ, Professional construction engineer and project management expert with 17 years of experience. Graduated from University of Khartoum (Sudan), engineering faculty, civil engineer department in 2003 (BSc). Obtained Master’s degree from Lund University (Sweden) in Water Resources in 2007. Certified quality engineer from American Society of Quality (CQE ASQ) and professional project manager (PMP –PMI). Currently works as a consultant project engineer with Saudi Electricity Company in Saudi Arabia, since 2012. Interested in projects management. For more information, please visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/mosab-elbashir-44595a64/
Mosab can be contacted at email: mosab_555@hotmail.com