Practical and Theoretical Assessment
By Leonardo Grandinetti Chaves
Minas Gerais, Brazil
The article discusses traditional and agile project management in the context of using mobile devices and the tools available. Indicates evolutions and peculiarities of mobile systems and the important requirements in project management.
Technology evolves rapidly, and with it grows the world of applications. Regardless of the nature of the business, many companies integrated into its strategic plan the implementation of applications, aware that a considerable portion of the access to applications recently is made from a mobile device. However, a portion of the organizations do not have an exact idea of when to implement them.
Applications for mobile devices are those that are designed for a particular operating system on the phone. They´re created exclusively for mobile phones, having to consider the operating systems of mobile devices. The advantages of developing for mobile devices are full access to the device, software and hardware, better user experience and viewing app stores. The disadvantages are the development in different programming languages and need to develop skills according to the operating system as well as higher costs and development time. There are cases where an application has reason to be exclusively native, such as when depends on device functionality. If the organization needs the application to continue running even with no internet connection, which is also known as off-line “, the development needs to point to this requirement. To reduce costs and increase productivity there are tools that generate mobile environment multiplatform way, that is, from a code can be generated for other mobile platforms. In the case of development directed to the web mobile friendly, the development follows the standard Web with known and standardized languages. In this case, the advantages are reusable code in programming, development faster and at lower cost and no installation needed. The disadvantages are the internet connection is 100% necessary, limited access to the device’s hardware and loss of visibility in stores.
Many companies and developers have their applications in multiplatform. Ie, have applications that run on different operating systems for mobile devices (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry); and in turn, they adapt to Web and mobile nature opting for the two mentioned ways. The future is assured for tools that help generate multiplatform software, either on the phone or web environment; thus allowing to develop an operating system to generate in others, reduces time and cost, and enables us to reach an ideal time to market in all stores, among other benefits.
In the different project management scenarios, collection, storage and distribution of projects of information can be facilitated by Web application development and / or also accessible on mobile devices.
In addition, project managers spend most of their time communicating with the staff and other stakeholders. The Communication develops the relationships needed for successful results. It includes developing strategies and plans for artifacts and communication activities. The project communications are also based on efforts to avoid misunderstandings and communication misunderstandings and mobile devices can be an important tool for the correction of communication problems in a timely manner.
Productivity can increase when managers interact with staff. The development of mobile solutions can integrate the teams and increase the exchange of project information.
The objective of this article is to explore the state of the art mobile applications in the context of management of traditional and agile project and also particularly in the areas of knowledge related to risks, scope, cost, time, procurement, human resources, stakeholders, communications and quality. Analyze the characteristics of each area, test applications in meeting the project requirements, ease of use and integration. Discuss the requirements of project management applications for mobile devices, and classify them for adequacy. Finally, we intend to use of mobile applications builders to check the requirements, operation and adequacy of comparatively final solutions.
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How to cite this paper: Chaves, L. G. (2020). Project Management Systems and Mobile Devices: Practical and Theoretical Assessment; PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue III, March. Available online at
About the Author
Leonard Grandinetti Chaves
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Leonard Grandinetti Chaves, MSc, PMP is a graduate and postgraduate in IT in Fumec and MSC, master’s at Computer Science from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais -UFMG. He has experience in Computer Science, focusing on Database, Geoprocessing and acting on the following subjects: EAI, XML, GML. His experience includes Project Management in private companies and government agencies. Leonardo is an instructor in several training courses organized by PMI Minas Gerais-Brazil Chapter as volunteer. He is MBA Professor at Puc Minas and Senac, and a lecturer with several publications. He can be contacted at