Inspiring the Youth: An Intergenerational Conversation
with a Globally Trained Project Management Teacher-Scholar
Interview with Dr. Yan Liu
Author, Teacher, Scholar
Research Fellow at Nanjing University, China
Interviewed by Evelyn Chao
High School Student at Sidwell Friends School
Founder and President, PM Ready (
Washington, DC, USA
Introduction to the interviewee
Dr. Yan Liu received his Ph.D. degree from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and continues to be part of the University as a guest researcher in the section of Infrastructure Design and Management. He is also a Research Fellow at the School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, China.
Dr. Liu’s research focuses on learning within and across large infrastructure projects, collaboration, innovation networks/ecosystems, digital transformation, and project management. He has published peer-reviewed articles in the International Journal of Project Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Project Management Journal, etc.
Dr. Liu received IPMA (International Project Management Association) Outstanding Contribution in Young Researcher Award 2021. He is a Contributing Principal of a PMI-sponsored research project entitled “How will the new talents change project management in a data-rich era?”
In June 2023, he co-led the Nanjing University team and won the third prize in the International Project Management Championship (PMC) in the China Region. PMC is an annual worldwide competition targeted at college students studying project management courses. It is hosted by the IPMA.
We are about to follow the interview with Dr. Liu where we covered topics from his project management education and teaching experiences in both China and Europe as well as emerging trends in project management. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this conversation.
Evelyn Chao (Chao): Congratulations to you and your students on winning the third prize in the Project Management Championship in the China region. Thank you for accepting my interview request.
Dr. Yan Liu (Liu): Thank you for giving me the opportunity for an interview.
Chao: How did project management come into your life?
Liu: During high school, I had the ambition of studying management science. After the National College Entrance Examination, I considered my interests, college ranking, the city, etc. Finally, I chose Construction Management as my bachelor’s program. The essential of Construction Management is project management because construction is based on projects.
Chao: How do you define project management?
To read entire interview, click here
How to cite this interview: Chao, E. (2023). Inspiring the Youth: An Intergenerational Conversation with a Globally Trained Project Management Teacher-Scholar, Interview with Dr. Yan Liu; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue X, October. Available online at
About the Interviewer
Evelyn Chao
Washington, DC, USA
Evelyn Chao is a high school student passionate about learning, practicing, and advocating project management. She earned the Project Management Ready Certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI). Since then, she has channeled her enthusiasm into championing project management education, particularly among diverse, young individuals eager to expand their knowledge and make a positive impact on society. Believing in the transformative power of education, Evelyn took the initiative to establish the nonprofit organization PM Ready Inc., accessible at PM Ready serves as a unique platform for fostering intergenerational conversations about project leadership and inspiring youth of diverse backgrounds to apply project management learning to achieve their full potential and make positive social impacts.
Evelyn currently studies at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC. Beyond her academic pursuits, she is an active member of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, a violinist in the Maryland Classic Youth Orchestra (Symphony), and a skater on the DC Edge Synchronized Skating Team. Outside school, she enjoys reading, watching movies with her family, and hanging out with her friends. Evelyn is a loving older sister to two siblings, Elaine and Elise, and takes pleasure in nurturing their inquisitiveness by engaging them in enjoyable small-scale projects.