Integrating Sustainability and Regeneration into Benefits Management


A Holistic Approach for Project Success


Implementing BS202002: Benefits management on

portfolios, programmes and projects



By Dr. Hugo Minney

United Kingdom

In an era where environmental concerns so important, integrating sustainability and regeneration into benefits management has become necessary for project and organization success. This article explores how benefits managers and the project leadership team can effectively incorporate these elements to ensure long-term value creation for organizations and society .

The Convergence of Sustainability and Benefits Management

Sustainability and benefits management are often viewed as separate domains in project management. However, they are inherently interconnected, especially in industries where environmental impact is a key consideration .

Table 1 Interconnections between Sustainability and Benefits Management

The P5 Standard: A Framework for Sustainable Project Management

The Green Project Management (GPM) P5 Standard provides a comprehensive framework for integrating sustainability into project management practices. It aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Five Ps are:

  1. People – both traditional stakeholder engagement and the people and communities aspects of sustainability and regeneration
  2. Planet – the environment and the wider and longer-term impact of the project
  3. Prosperity – the profitability of the project, and economic contribution to communities (Social Value)
  4. Product – the traditional output from the project, what it actually does
  5. Process – how to do project management (traditional aspect of PM approach)

By incorporating these elements into benefits management, project managers can ensure that sustainability considerations are embedded throughout the project lifecycle.


To read entire report, click here

Editor’s note: The author Dr. Hugo Minney is a Fellow of APM (Association for Project Management), a Member of PMI and PMI UK, Co-Chair of APM’s Benefits and Value SIG, and committee member of PMI UK’s Sustainability Community of Action. For more, see his author profile at the end of this article.

How to cite this work: Minney, H. (2025). Integrating Sustainability and Regeneration into Benefits Management: A Holistic Approach for Project Success, Implementing BS202002: Benefits management on portfolios, programmes and projects, series article, PM World Journal, Volume XIV, Issue II, February. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/pmwj149-Feb2025-Minney-integrating-sustainability-into-benefits-management.pdf

 About the Author

Dr Hugo Minney

London, UK


 Dr. Hugo Minney is a Fellow of APM (Association for Project Management), a Member of PMI and PMI UK, Co-Chair of APM’s Benefits and Value SIG and committee member of PMI UK’s Sustainability Community of Action (none of which are paid).

Minney set out to become a farmer, but was defeated by bureaucracy. He sold high ticket computer systems and specialist software for workforce planning; joined the National Health Service for 18 years (and as a Chief Executive for the last 7 of these), and is now a project management consultant with a sideline chairing a charity restoring the sense of community for young people.

Minney works in project management, and in particular benefits management, motivating team members by reporting what they are achieving together and changing the community and culture to want to achieve – together. At present, he’s more involved on the governance side, accredited as a Social Value practitioner and Chartered Project Professional, and reviewing the balance of projects and contribution to objectives and benefits across portfolios.

Dr. Minney can be contacted at hugo.minney@thesocialreturnco.org

To view previous works by Hugo Minney, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/dr-hugo-minney/