A case history for Quadrilatero programme, Italy
By Ing. Massimoluigi Casinelli, CCP
Formia, Italy
The paper describes the implementation of an integrated project control system on behalf of a public Owner in Italy, committed to the project management of a capital investment of two Billions (circa) of Euros regarding an infrastructure programme. The author leaded, as a project manager, the multidisciplinary consulting group on behalf of the JV which had awarded the consulting project named “Project Management System for Quadrilatero (PMS)”.
The project controls system (PCS) described in this paper is a core part of the project management system (PMS) designed to support Quadrilatero, a public scope company acting as an owner of highways major scheme in Italy started in 2006. The author of this paper was the project manager of the project management consultancy group; he also designed CAPITOLO, the software package used for the implementation of the project controls system, based on EVM methodology
The paper first describes the scope of work of PMS, and then focuses on the advanced project controls system implemented. At conclusions, also some lessons learned are provided.
“Quadrilatero” was a multibillions infrastructures programme (over 2 billion Euros) of a major highways scheme across two regions in central Italy: Marche and Umbria. The Owner of the programme was a public scope-company owned by ANAS (National Autonomous Roads Corporation, under the control of Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport).
Fig. 1: Lot 1 in red ad Lot 2 in green; existing highways in blue
The entire Quadrilatero programme was complex; it included two sub-programmes: the execution of 160 km of highways, (sub programme PIV “Piano Infrastrutture Viarie”) and fifteen public private-partnership (PPP) projects based on concessions (sub programme PAV “Piano Aree Vaste”). These “concessions” (delivered on the base of a build operate transfer scheme) included the execution of more than 15 single projects along the axis of the highways, regarding malls, logistic platforms facilities, production plants, technological factories, etc.). The two sub-programmes, PIV and PAV are interconnected, as the financial balance of the whole program requires incomes linked to the timely delivery of the public concessions. (Fig. 1 e 2)
The “sub-programmes” PIV was subdivided in two main Projects: Lot 1 and Lot 2, which were awarded in 2006 by two design-build contractors, formed by primary European construction companies.
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How to cite this paper: Casinelli, M. (2020). Integrated Project Control System based on EVM methodology: a case history for Quadrilatero programme, Italy; PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue IX, September. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/pmwj97-Sep2020-Casinelli-integrated-pcs-based-on-evm-methodology-quadrilatero-programme.pdf
About the Author
Massimoluigi Casinelli
Formia, Italy
Massimoluigi Casinelli is a project and contract management advisor, with thirty years of experience in project controls of large-scale infrastructures and buildings projects, with some experience in oil and gas; project management systems at enterprise level (organization, procedures, tools and mentoring). Forensic planning, delay analysis. Training on project management / controls techniques and tools (P6, EVM, QSRA).
He is a chartered civil engineer, certified cost professional (CCE/(CCP) at AACE, and has worked in advanced contexts of project management, as a senior project advisor, project manager Client side, project controls manager, planning consultant and claim expert, and lead planner. Masimoluigi can be contacted at m.casinelli@casinelli.net