Human + Machine



Book Title:  Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI
Authors:  Paul R. Daugherty & H James Wilson
Publisher: HBR Press
List Price:  $32.00
Format:  Hard cover, 264 page
Publication Date: 2018       
ISBN: 13:978-1-63369-386-9
Reviewer:  Kiran Patel, PMP
Review Date: March 2020




The introduction provides an overview of how robot and human interaction and use in the past and possibly in the future. It summarizes the change or impact of technology and how humans can take advantage of the new technology revolution in using robots and AI. It talks about the distinct major shifts in human work and daily life, how it was before, and how it will change things in future with advancement of technology and human use of robotics, AI

The different phases are termed as waves of changes, the key being that in the past robots were used to operate as separate and distinct units, based on commands or instructions from humans. There is expected to be a major shift in this relationship between robots and humans where humans and robots will work together in collaboration, and with AI allowing interaction between the two.

Overview of Book’s Structure

The structure of the book has the typical introduction section followed by the core content of the book chapters.

The book has two distinct sections. The first section has topics on:

  1. Impact of robots and AI in production/manufacturing, supply chain and the distribution network and process
  2. How robots and AI will change the business and accounting world
  3. How robots and AI will change and also speed up R&D and the innovation business
  4. How robots and AI will change customer service, sales and marketing businesses

The Second Section of the Book is more focused on AI topics.

  1. The roles of humans in the use of AI, their role in AI and related factors that need to be considered
  2. How AI can be unleashed or leveraged for improving human productivity
  3. How leaders can get started in considering AI for their business
  4. Eight new type of jobs and skills that will be required for an AI workplace


The major phases in human life over the nearly last 100 years.

The advent of industrial revolution to mechanize repetitive, mundane, or difficulty tasks. This is the period when trains, textiles mills and other industries popped up and removed the hard, repetitive and mundane labor-intensive tasks in the workplace.

The advent of mass production using speciation of each worker and process in manufacturing. This changed the efficiency of production and helped reduce costs, and made is possible for large populations to create, purchase and use products like cars, tv, fridges, etc.



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About the Reviewer


Kiran Patel, PMP

Plano, Texas, USA



Kiran Patel is a certified project management professional with 15+ years of project and program management experience. He has worked on a broad range of IT technologies and worked in the USA and UK. Kiran has completed projects in the areas of new product introduction project from concept phase to design, testing, launch and end of life. He has worked in the areas of healthcare technology, information security, HR technology, global product support, hardware and software implementation, and process improvement. Kiran’s interest in robotics stem from an early age and as a result complete a BSc degree in combined engineering, which is ideal for robotics since they use electro mechanical and computing technology. Recently Kiran completed a course on handling and programming a FANUC robot.


Editor’s note:  This book review was the result of a partnership between the PM World Journal and the PMI Dallas Chapter. Authors and publishers provide books to the PM World Journal; books are delivered to the PMI Dallas Chapter, where they are offered free to PMI members who agree to provide a review within 45 days; book reviews are published in the PM World Journal and PM World Library. 

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