that has been TESTED and PROVEN to WORK



By Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo

Jakarta, Indonesia

This is a follow-up to the paper published in the April PMWJ authored by Mr. Rizkia Zain, “Developing Parametric Modelling for Class 4 Estimate of Pier and Jetty Construction by Analyzing Historical Databases using AI Tools & EVM Techniques”; PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue IV, April. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/pmwj140-Apr2024-Zain-Parametric-Modelling-for-Class-4-Estimate-of-Pier-and-Jetty-Construction.pdf

Due to the word count limit set by AACE, for anyone interested in the topic of using data from Earned Value Calculations as the basis to validate and analyze cost and productivity databases applied to repetitive projects, we wanted to expand on the explanation of the template we set up in more detail than was able to be covered in Mr. Zain’s paper.


As some of you know, for 10+ years, our PTMC Team and I worked closely and proactively with the GAO as an INDEPENDENT PRACTITIONER (not representing PMI, AACE, IPMA, or the Guild of Project Controls) contributing to the GAO’s “Green” and “Pink” versions of their ” Cost Estimating and Assessment Guides” and “GAO Schedule Assessment Guide.”

During those 10+ years, we have been “test driving” what the GAO (and more recently, what NASA advocated in their Cost Estimating Handbook, Version 4.0) with our paying clients to see if there were any measurable improvements, at least as practiced in the oil, gas, and mining businesses. The AACE CCP or PMP (ALL our students taking our program are required to publish papers, including those preparing for the PMP) produced by the graduates of our 6-month-long, graduate-level competency development/capacity building courses have been published by David Pells in his PM World Journal, but these papers NORMALLY covered only SINGLE PROJECTS, and up until this point, we did not have a sufficient number of COMPARABLE projects to test against the NASA STANDARDIZED multi-dimensional Appendix B- Work Breakdown Structure, Appendix G, Cost Modeling and Technical Input Risk, Figure G-6, and Appendix J, Joint Cost and Schedule Confidence Level Analysis, Figure J-6 and J-13, Scatterplot. As our client is a “for-profit” publicly traded Indonesian oil and gas company, we had to modify the analysis approach, understanding that the data from our clients is confidential and proprietary.

Guiding Standards and Research-Based Principles

The two researchers most closely advocate the same philosophies that we advocate in our roles as “for-profit” property owners/developers and contractors who “flip” houses for a profit and have been developing and providing competency development and capacity building consulting services on a “for-profit” basis for 30+ years now.


To read entire article, click here

How to cite this article: Giammalvo, P. D. (2024).  How to IMPLEMENT a COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT/CAPACITY BUILDING Program for Earned Value Management that has been TESTED and PROVEN to WORK, commentary, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue V, May.  Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/pmwj141-May2024-Giammalvo-how-to-implement-a-proven-competency-development-program-for-EVM.pdf

About the Author

Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo

Jakarta, Indonesia


Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, CDT, CCE (#1240), MScPM, MRICS, is a Senior Technical Advisor (Project Management) to PT Mitratata Citragraha. (PTMC), Jakarta, Indonesia. www.build-project-management-competency.com. He is noted for the development and delivery of graduate level, blended learning curricula designed for the mid-career path, English as Second Language (ESL) professionals to develop competency in the local practitioner and build capacity for the local organizations. For 25+ years, he has been developing and delivering Project Management training and consulting throughout South and Eastern Asia Pacific, the Middle East, West Africa, and Europe.

He is also active in the Global Project Management Community, by playing a “thought leadership” role for the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International, (AACEI) http://www.aacei.org/ since 1991; He has also been active in two IPMA member organizations: The Green Project Management Association (GPM) http://www.greenprojectmanagement.org/ where he served on the Certification Board of Directors for two years and the American Society for the Advancement of Project Management http://www.asapm.org/ for which he served for four years on the BoD as Director of Marketing. He also sat on the Board of Directors of the Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards (GAPPS), www.globalpmstandards.org, Sydney, Australia and is active as a regional leader. Currently, he is a compensated consultant to the International Guild of Project Controls. http://www.planningplanet.com/guild  as the primary author of their “Compendium and Reference” as well as the chief architect of their competency-based credentialing program. http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/certification

He has spent 35 of the last 50 years working on large, highly technical international projects, including such prestigious projects as the Alyeska Pipeline and the Distant Early Warning Site (DEW Line), upgrades in Alaska and the Negev Airbase Constructors, Ovda, Israel and the Minas Oil Field in Rumbai, Sumatra. His current client list includes Fortune 500 major telecommunications, oil, gas and mining companies plus the UN Projects Office and many other multi-national companies, NGO organizations and Indonesian Government Agencies

In addition to 45+ years of hands-on field experience, Dr. Giammalvo holds an undergraduate degree in Construction Management, his Master of Science in Project Management through the George Washington University and was awarded his PhD in Project and Program Management through the Institute Superieur De Gestion Industrielle (ISGI) and Ecole Superieure De Commerce De Lille (ESC-Lille) under the supervision of Professor Christophe Bredillet.  “Dr. PDG” can be contacted at pauldgphd@gmail.com.

To view other original work by Paul Giammalvo, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/dr-paul-d-giammalvo/