Effects of gender on team perception


of performance in Nigeria



By Uzoma Francis Amaeshi, PhD


Dr. Ujunwa Callista Okoye

Department of Management Technology
Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Imo State, Nigeria


Regarding gender and performance there is an extensive bibliography which explicitly accepts that gender diversity does and does not have an impact on team performance. The empirical evidence shows both differences and similarities between male and female performance in companies. However, there has been little research into the potential impact that gender may have on the perception of performance. This study seeks to analyze the differences between men and women in the perception of performance when performance is measured using teamwork variables. The research is a comparative study in multinational companies in South East and South West Nigeria which uses a questionnaire with thirteen teamwork items. The questionnaire presents different components in both samples, which suggest that the role that cultural differences have in the way that people perceive their work performance is significant. The main findings show no significant differences between men and women, which calls for an analysis of gender’s real level of importance in implementing diversity awareness or diversity management programs in companies.

Key words: Team perception, Organizational performance, gender perception.


In recent times, embracing and supporting gender diversity has been hailed by practitioners and academics alike as a core value that represents the right way to do business, implying that gender heterogeneity may lead to increased organizational effectiveness. According to Frink, et al. (2003) there is a positive relationship between gender diversity and firm performance, always if the gender bias is balanced. But results in gender research are not unanimous and there is still no further confirmation from different cultural settings. In general, a lot of research has been done in the field of gender and work, focusing especially on behavioral and emotional parameters, but so far there are no comparative studies that analyze the gender—performance relationship in different countries.

This paper has a structure of five parts. First, a review of the literature on gender diversity and performance will be presented. Then, the methodology section goes on to outline the data collection procedure, the measurement instrument, sample information and the analytical techniques employed in the study. In the third section of the paper is a presentation of the main results, which aims to offer its own particular contribution by drawing comparisons between South East and South West samples, using teamwork variables to evaluate the perception of performance. The paper then ends with a discussion of the findings and conclusions.

Review of the Literature

Existing research suggests that it is women rather than men who are most strongly negatively affected by gender diversity. Tolbert, Graham and Andrews (1999) pointed out that the impact of group gender composition on employee attitudes may differ between men and women. A number of authors (Wharton & Baron 1987, 1991, Konrad, Winter & Gutek 1992, Williams & O’Reilly 1998, Tsui & Gutek 1999) analyzed this finding in further detail by examining four gender relevant behavioral factors. These factors were (a) similarity attraction, (b) self-categorization, (c) social contact, and (d) group competition.

The similarity attraction approach argues that an individual is attracted to and prefers to interact with people of similar characteristics (Byrne 1971, Berscheid & Walster 1978). The consequence is that the gender composition of a work setting can be expected to have a direct impact on an employee’s job satisfaction. Tsui, Egan and O’Reilly (1992) found that men responded more negatively than women to being in a numerical minority in their work groups, by being absent more often, less committed, and more likely to leave the organization.


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How to cite this paper: Amaeshi, U.F. and Okoye, U.C.  (2021). Effects of gender on team perception of performance in Nigeria; PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue VI, June. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/pmwj106-Jun2021-Amaeshi-Okoye-effects-of-gender-on-team-perception-of-performance.pdf

About the Authors

Uzoma Francis Amaeshi (PhD)

Federal University of Technology
Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria


Associate Professor Uzoma Francis Amaeshi is in the department of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. His doctoral work is in Management with areas of research interest that include: Human Resources Management; Organizational and Entrepreneurship development. He is a Postgraduate from the University of Nigeria Nsukka, within career areas management cum Banking & finance and has undertaken and presented papers in several conferences within leading career development organizations in Nigeria. Utilizing excellent communication skills, he developed and maintained successful working relationships with both internal and external staff. He is looking forward to securing a position in academics, where he can bring immediate and strategic value and develop a current skill set further.

Associate Professor Amaeshi can be contacted at uzor1958@gmail.com or uzoma.amaeshi@futo.edu.ng


Dr. Ujunwa Callista Okoye

Federal University of Technology
Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria


Dr. Ujunwa Callista Okoye is a lecturer II at Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria with seven years’ experience in lecturing. She holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Business Administration from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. Dr. Ujunwa has undertaken intellectual research on strategic management and entrepreneurship. She has been involved in national policy making and strategic planning exercises since 2020, thus, she is a member of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN-Presidency, Abuja) Technical Working (Committee) Group (TWGS) for the Development of Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) 2021-2025, MTNDP 2025- 2030 and the Nigeria Agenda 2050. Dr. Okoye can be contacted at zarahelenone@gmail.com