Does BIM offer a better approach

to guarantee a reliable, accurate, and precise Cost Estimate?



By Piero G. Anticona Tello

Lima, Peru




Building Information Modeling (BIM) uses an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) approach, a collaborative and participative method with stakeholders in early stages of the project; this should be a significant differentiator comparing with TCM, GPC, and GAO which use a traditional Project Delivery approach.

It is necessary at each stage to deliver a document or file with a level of detail according to the development of the model. 5D BIM is one of the deliverables that contains the cost of the resources required to execute the activities and install or produce the project quantities for each component of the model.

Has BIM a better process to define the scope and produce a better cost Estimate than a traditional method for estimating and budgeting?

Can BIM offer a better approach to guarantee a reliable, accurate, and precise cost Estimate?

The current document will:

  • Determine if the participation in the early stages of the design process might help to define the scope and then produce a better cost Estimate.
  • That IPD approach is better than a traditional
  • To determine that 5D BIM is a reliable, accurate, and precise outcome.

Keywords:  Cost Estimate, Budgeting, Project Estimates, Building Information Modelling, 5D BIM, Integrated Project Delivery, Front-End Loading.


Most of the companies worldwide have adopted the traditional approach for acquiring, created, update, maintain, expand and eventually dispose of organisational assets that consist on the gate approach where the sequential planning that has inputs, activities, deliverables, closing activities, and milestones on early stages that result in the success of the project.

A traditional planning approach defines the activities to do the work and predicts what the time should take, and the cost should be to complete these activities.  This Front End Development approach should begin before the engineering design /EPC phase.

The academic community and the private industry have evidenced that the most critical decisions are made by the business decision-makers long before the design and construction stages start. For example, Independent Project Analysis, Inc. (IPA), Construction Industry Institute (CII), Shell, Anglo-American Mining, Saudi Aramco, and Chevron are part of organizations which have evidenced this idea.

The following figure shows different stage-gating processes for the planning approach.


To read entire paper, click here


How to cite this paper: Anticona, P. (2019). Does BIM offer a better approach to guarantee a reliable, accurate, and precise Cost Estimate? PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue VI, July. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/pmwj83-Jul2019-Anticona-does-BIM-offer-better-cost-estimate.pdf



About the Author

Piero G. Anticona Tello

Lima, Peru




Piero Anticona is a project controller with 15 years of professional experience in the sectors of Mining, Energy and Oil and Gas. He worked as Owner, EPCM and Contractor in different projects in Peru, Spain and France. Piero is a Certified Cost Professional from AACE International and Project Management Professional from Project Management Institute. Piero graduated from SKEMA (France) with a Master in Program and Project Management. In addition, he has a major study in Mechanical Electrical Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Peru). He is currently president of AACE International Peru Section (2018-2019) and he is attending a distance learning mentoring course, under tutorage of Dr Paul D. Giammalvo, CDT, CCE, MScPM, MRICS, GPM-m Senior Technical Advisor, PT Mitrata Citragraha, to attain Guild of Project Controls certification.

Piero lives in Lima, Peru and can be contacted at piero.anticona@gmail.com