Book Title: Digital Project Practice for New Work and Industry 4.0
Author: Tobias Endress, Editor
Publisher: CRC Press
List Price: $54.95
Format: Softcover, 208 pages
Publication Date: March 2023
ISBN: 978-1032276045
Reviewer: Ramadevi Lanka
Review Date: March 2024
Industrial revolution, which started with steam & mechanization, electrical power & mass production, to automation & IT systems, has been continuously improving and evolving. This book talks about the 4th Industrial revolution (IR4), which is about automation, Smart systems and cyber-physical production systems and new ways of working. New Work and Industrial Revolution 4 is about massive utilization of technology such as AI, Big Data, AR/VR (Augmented and Virtual Reality), Cloud computing. It is also about modifications in society and organizations.
While riding on the wave of 4th IR and New Work (NW), if you are looking for new practices to be followed, how to overcome nuances with existing practices, this is the book to pick.
The book starts with basic concepts of IR4, their influence on organization communication, impact on work environment. It touches upon various topics such as remote working, digital unions, lean production impact on industry practices, concept of open bank, digital stress. There is an interesting detailing on some of the scandals in automobile industry and how to improve corporate culture.
Overview of Book’s Structure
The book is divided into 13 chapters. Starts with the discussion on IR4 and impact on communication and work environment, strategies related to integration of IT, ICT, (Information Communication Technology) in production processes. Highlights the fact that IR4 is not just about implementing new technology. It is about a cultural philosophy, how to increase visibility, flexibility and become/stay more competitive.
Reader is left to ponder on how production automation is moving towards increased individualized products, and not just speed and quality. Author goes on to talk about hybridization of Cyber-Physical worlds – remotely monitor patients health in real-time, digitally manage workflows at production plants, optimizing dock loading with communication between cranes, AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles). Digital competence is not just for IT, but for project managers also, to manage these “Smart” industries. Author touches upon various aspects such as cloud computing, data privacy & safety, collaborative services with a need for speed, decision making based on digital framework, AR/VR. Leads to further reading on business processes restructuring due to digital components, machine to human communication challenges, consequences of “SMART WORLD” on people, jobs, life-style changes.
To read entire Book Review, click here
How to cite this review: Lanka, R. (2024). Digital Project Practice for New Work and Industry 4.0, book review, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue IV, April. Available online at
About the Reviewer
Ramadevi Lanka
Frisco, TX, U.S.A
Ramadevi Lanka – PMP, CSM, AWS CCP, is a Program/Project/Quality Management professional with 25+ years of enriching work experience in Information Technology industry. She has managed programs related to InsurTech, FinTech, Banking and Finance, Insurance, FMCG and Corp-IT. She has managed programs/projects at large-scale, mid-tier and startup companies, which are IT services provider and product companies. She has executed Waterfall, Agile Scrum, and hybrid projects for 15+ years – applying PMI and ITIL standards. Adept at delivery excellence, building high performing, diverse, geographically distributed teams.
Ramadevi is experienced in designing and delivering training programs, application & product testing, Enterprise Change Management, Software Delivery Centre setup & management for Global Enterprises. She enjoys giving back to the community by volunteering, mentoring, and sharing knowledge.
She be reached out at
Editor’s note: This book review was the result of a partnership between the PM World Journal and the PMI Dallas Chapter. Authors and publishers provide books to the PM World Journal Editor; books are delivered to the PMI Dallas Chapter where they are offered free to PMI members who agree to provide a review within 45 days; book reviews are published in the PM World Journal and PM World Library. Reviewers can normally claim PDU’s for PMP recertification (or continuing education credits for other certifications) upon publication of their book reviews.
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