Crafting Connection



Book Title:  Crafting Connection – Transform how you communicate with yourself and others
Author:  Felicity Dwyer
Publisher:  Practical Inspiration Publishing
List Price:   US $21.99
Format: ebook = Review Proof only – not for circulation
Publication Date:  October 2022
ISBN: 9781788604031
Reviewer: Marva Gordon, CAPM
Review Date: June 2024



In this great read of a book, the authoress Felicity Dwyer quite successfully pulls from her own experience and from other wide-ranging sources to guide readers to connect with themselves in their wholeness. Then she demonstrates that that is the foundation for communicating with other individuals as well as groups – because of the thorough connections which can be achieved.

She wants us all to feel ‘heard and understood’.

Overview of Book’s Structure

The writer uses three ‘dimensions’ (‘3D’) within which to frame and deliver her treatise: Connecting Within as the first section of the book – contains 5 chapters; Connecting With as the second section contains 6 chapters; and Connecting Beyond is the third section comprised of 3 chapters.

Each section also has several paragraphs, before the new chapter begins, outlining her intention and guiding expectations.

Although not so outlined, I consider the last chapter to be the fourth section of the book. In it she specifically provides the conclusion she hopes you reach too -assuming you had been applying the principles and ought to have arrived at a new place in your 3D connections.

Dwyer employed 79 understandings and quotations from others – set out in the Endnotes covering 8 pages.  Coupled with the 24-item bibliography, these show that she relied not only on her own experience as facilitator, trainer, coach, and speaker but drew from the learning she gleaned from those sources, and most likely applied in her own journey.


Ms Dwyer gets right to the point. There is no lag while she explains why you need to hear her message. Just the message and practical ways to enjoy it and put into practice what she informs about.

Dimension 1 is about how to understand and read yourself in all your aspects – spiritual, physical, mental and emotional. The aim is for you to identify how acknowledging different vantage points can generate appreciation of one’s whole self.


To read entire Book Review, click here

How to cite this work: Gordon, M. (2024). Crafting Connection – Transform how you communicate with yourself and others, book review, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue VII, July. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pmwj143-Jul2024-Gordon-Crafting-Connection-book-review-2.pdf

About the Reviewer

Marva Gordon

USA, formerly Jamaica


Marva Gordon employs project management principles in all that she does – volunteerism, profession and even church elder-ship. She is in career transition towards aviation safety management systems in the US. She will draw upon her superpowers of critical thinking, research and consultation to dissect issues in context and collaborating around effectively addressing them. As an Attorney-at-Law, she has analyzed situations then compiled and presented advice in aviation, governance, compliance and law; she has integrally supported development of statutes, regulations and directives, guidance material such as procedures and manuals, training curricula and delivery; has engaged in international negotiations and briefed officials of government and international bodies to adopt relevant policies.

Email address:  marva.kd.gordon@gmail.com

LinkedIn URL: www.linkedin.com/in/marvakdgordon

Editor’s note: This book review was the result of a partnership between the publisher, the PM World Journal and the PMI Silver Spring Chapter. Authors and publishers provide the books to the PMWJ editor or directly to the PMI Silver Spring Chapter, where they are offered free to PMI members to review; book reviews are published in the PM World Journal and PM World Library.  PMI Silver Spring Chapter members can keep the books as well as claim PDUs for PMP recertification when their reviews are published.

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