Covid Virus Pushing Education


to Online Learning/Teaching Creates Big Challenges: 

Ethical, Practical & Financial Issues for

Teachers/Professors and Administration Leadership



By Michael Marshall, PhD

Atlanta, Georgia, USA



It is common knowledge that the Covid Virus and current health issues have made in-person classroom learning and teaching move to online learning and teaching for all levels of education.

Some big questions are, when will the Covid Virus be managed better and effective inoculations become available to help people be safer from this? And when will all people become inoculated to help assure good health?

This will help the education systems to maybe get back to in-person classroom learning and teaching.

It should be obvious this may take many months to a year or more.

Add to this, that many people will not want to become inoculated for various reasons and refuse.

Then what happens?

There are problems and challenges already trying to get all people to wear masks and to social distance.

This is creating problems and issues with social and personal dynamics, economics, business, and politics; globally.

If you can figure out the solution to these problems, challenges, and issues, you have a great ‘crystal ball seeing into the future’.

Now that many schools of all education levels, colleges and universities have moved personal in classroom learning and teaching to online learning and teaching, we now have many new problems, issues, and challenges.

These are very real, substantial, and serious.


To read entire article, click here

How to cite this article: Marshall, M. (2020). Covid Virus Pushing Education to Online Learning/Teaching Creates Big Challenges:  Ethical, Practical & Financial Issues for Teachers/Professors and Administration Leadership; Commentary, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue I, January. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/pmwj101-Jan2021-Marshall-covid-19-online-education-leads-to-big-challenges.pdf



About the Author

Michael Marshall, PhD

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Professor Michael Marshall has taught advanced business subjects at universities in the USA and globally, in many countries over the last 9 years. Prior to this, Michael Marshall worked his way up to senior executive levels in various businesses and industries over 35 years.

He has served many corporate executives internationally from his own consulting firm, as well. He has over 59+ high level professional business certifications. His 57 + global / international business publications over the last 30 years are in many business subjects; including Sales & Marketing Management, Change Management, Strategy & Implementing, Customer Service & How to Increase Sales From This, Business Creativity, Business Growth and more.

Prior to Michael’s extensive and long business career, early on when young, he worked in behavioral health/psychology/psychiatry with his first university degrees in psychology and social human behavior.  Here he learned about what influences and motivates others, how to change and improve, and the importance to understand ‘The Psychology of Business’.

After this, he went back to the university to obtain a PhD in business and enter a progressive business career working his way up from starter level positions, though all management levels and into executive levels. Dr. Marshall can be contacted at mmarshall1236@gmail.com