Churches Need Project Management Too



By Latoya Morris, PMP

Virginia, USA


Do churches have goals and objectives? Do they have stakeholders? Do they implement projects and initiatives? Yes, Yes, Yes.  Why then do so many churches not realize their need for project management.  Project Management adds to the success of any organization’s ability to successfully launch projects and initiatives.  I would say that there is a stigma within the church that Project Management is too corporate, or too rigid/structured.  There is a misconception still within some churches that structure takes from the ability to move with the spirit.  That is not the case, project management provides some structure so that churches can meet its key spiritual goal which is to spread the gospel.

When churches start realizing that while their purpose may be “higher” than your average organization, they are still very similar to most organizations, they can then start to see the need for Project Management.  Here are four ways that Project Management can support the work of the church.

  1. Supporting the Implementation of the Strategic Vision

Pastors, rabbis, priests, etc. are trained spiritual leaders and advisors.  They are educated in Biblical principles, counseling, theology and the like, but are they also trained as organizational administrators?  In most instances, the answer is no.  Often churches are blessed with Board Members or Elders that have experience with business planning and oversight but that is not always the case.  The leader of the church, with the help of perhaps the church board, develops a strategy for the church that aligns to their bible principles and organizational focus; but who ensures the oversight of the development and the strategy?

The Bible says, write the vision and make it plain.  It also says to count the costs.  I translate that to writing the vision and determining the needs (funds, people and expertise).  The Bible also says that we can know a tree by the fruit it is bearing.  Wait, this means that we should be taking stock of what is going on – or in other words assessing/evaluating how this tree, this plan, this initiative is doing.

The Strategic Vision is the entire lot of activities and plans.  It can be a lot for the churches spiritual leader to ensure that the flock is properly fed, communicate his or her vision, and then ensure that it is carried out and manage it.  Program Management (the management of multiple projects with the same strategic focus) would be essential in working with the church leader and Board to map out the strategic vision and manage It. The Program Manager would assist in ensuring that the following are considered and then manage those aspects…


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How to cite this article: Morris, L. (2020).  Churches Need Project Management Too, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue VII, July.  Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/pmwj107-Jul2021-Morris-churches-need-project-management-too.pdf

About the Author

Latoya Morris

Virginia, USA


Latoya Morris, PMP, is a 20-year veteran in organizational consulting covering training, management, quality and compliance. For the past 5 years, Ms. Morris is the Chief Member at Integrity Consulting Experts, LLC, a small management consulting and Instructional Design firm that has provided organizational management consulting, quality implementation and various types of training for various Federal government agencies and corporate entities.  Ms. Morris has been published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) multiple times on a variety of project management topics ranging from resource management, diversity and inclusion, and mental health.  She has also been published in Training Industry and Training Magazine. She has spoken to continuing education students and professionals at Georgetown University for PMI’s University of Project Management.  Ms. Morris is also a published author in the international journal, “The Upper Room” and author of “Grace in the Moment: Daily Devotions for Business Women”.

Contacts: latoya.morris@1integrityce.com; www.Godapplied.com