August 2024 PM Update from Madrid



By Alfonso Bucero, PhD

International Correspondent

Madrid, Spain

PMI Madrid Spain Monthly Meeting

On July 11, 2024, the monthly meeting of the PMI Madrid Chapter took place, where this time Conflict Management through nonviolent communication (NVC) based on the model created by Dr Rosenberg was discussed. In this presentation, the speaker (Alfonso Bucero) shared with those present his experiences in communication as a project manager, explaining the benefits of this model and sharing examples. This monthly meeting was very crowded with around ninety faces to face attendees and more than one hundred virtually.

Alfonso Bucero delivering his presentation at Microsoft Madrid Office.

The takeaways for the attendees from the presentation were:

  • The concepts of “Nonviolent Communication” and their areas of application
  • NVC Hands-On Toolkit to Help You Improve Your Communication Skills
  • NVC as a practical tool for conflict management
  • Getting better results from all transactions


To read entire report, click here for ( English ) or ( Spanish )

How to cite this report: Bucero, A. (2024). PMI Madrid Spain Monthly Meeting, PM Report from Spain, PM World Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue VIII, August. Available online at: https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/pmwj144-Aug2024-Bucero-Regional-Report-Spain-English.pdf

About the Author

Alfonso Bucero, PhD

Madrid, Spain


Alfonso Bucero, Ph.D., CPS, ACE, PMP, PMI-RMP, PfMP, SFC, IPMO-E, PMI Fellow, is an International Correspondent and Contributing Editor for the PM World Journal in Madrid, Spain. Mr. Bucero is also the founder and Managing Partner of BUCERO PM Consulting. Alfonso was the founder, sponsor, and President of the PMI Barcelona Chapter until April 2005 and belonged to PMI’s LIAG (Leadership Institute Advisory Group). He was the past President of the PMI Madrid Spain Chapter and then nominated as a PMI EMEA Region 8 Component Mentor. Alfonso was a member of the PMIEF Engagement Committee.

Alfonso has a Computer Science Engineering degree from Universidad Politécnica in Madrid and a Ph.D. in Management from the ISM University. He has 39 years of practical experience and is actively advancing the PM profession in Spain and Europe. Alfonso received the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award on October 9, 2010, the PMI Fellow Award on October 22, 2011, and the PMI Eric Jenett Excellence Award on October 28, 2017. You can contact Mr. Bucero at alfonso.bucero@abucero.com.

To see other works by Alfonso Bucero, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/alfonso-bucero/