a ChatGPT quality assessment
(ß test)
By Federico Minelle and Franco Stolfi
Rome, Italy
The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support the Project Manager (PM) seems to promise a lot, at least in the “not too distant” future, but what about today? A ß test quality assessment was carried out on the “chatbot” ChatGPT based on generative AI, which is talked about a lot in other application contexts, to evaluate its potential effectiveness as a “personal assistant” of a PM responsible for a public ICT project, within the framework of the Italian PNRR[1]. The emerging assessment, using its current features, still expresses some weaknesses, but shows interesting prospects, especially in view of the next versions, announced to be significantly more powerful, and of what the potential competitors will make available.
Brief History
In the wake of the inexorable and rapid technological evolution that accompanies Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, the interest aroused by ChatGPT [1] is now well known in the international press [2], a chatbot based on the implementation of InstructGPT, as illustrated in an interesting article from MIT [3].
Its potential, even for business, is demonstrated by Microsoft’s investment [4], aimed at involving this important digital world player in the open AI, which has already made it available on its Bing platform [5].
The recent publication of books, at an international level [6, 7, 8] and lately also in Italy [9], dedicated to outlining the application of AI in PM, present some prospects of certain interest, but also of strong change that with a high probability will impact on the profession, stimulating to try what is already possible today.
Assement plan
Taking into account some hints from the referenced texts and more recent comments, precisely on the possible role of ChatGPT as a Project Manager’s personal assistant [10, 11], a “sample project” was simulated, extrapolating with the appropriate simplifications an actual ICT project developed by the Italian Public Administration.
The assessment plan was set up in correspondence to project situations consistent with the scheme of integrated project management practices, according to the ISO 21502 standard. Figure 1 (taken from the same standard) represents the systemic connections and the roles that govern them.
Table 1 – Integrated project management practices and associated responsibilities (source: ISO 21502)
Therefore, for each of these practices, a series of questions were submitted to the tool, asking it to perform the indicated role, in relation to the ISPA sample project briefly described. The questions are of a methodological nature (at the start and in subsequent stages), of a more “situational” type (especially during the work) and of learning the “lessons learned” (in conclusion) on the sample project.
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How to cite this paper: Minelle, F., Stolfi, F. (2023). AI to support PM: a ChatGPT quality assessment (ß test); PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue V, May. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/pmwj129-May2023-Minelle-Stolfi-AI-to-support-PM-a-ChatGPT-quality-assessment-3.pdf
About the Authors
Federico Minelle
Rome, Italy
Federico Minelle graduated in Physics at “Sapienza” – Rome University, presenting a Master’s degree thesis on Artificial Intelligence (AI) research. Afterwards, for more than 40 years he consulted in Business Organization, Information Systems and Project Management. As a partner at Accenture and then as senior partner of Italian consultancy firm PRS – Planning, Ricerche e Studi, he managed and monitored significant projects in several industries, mainly in Engineering and Construction (e.g. manufacturing and nuclear power plants, transportation infrastructures) and in Government (ICT and process innovation).
Federico taught for more than 20 years Business Information Systems in the Computer Science Dept. of “Sapienza” – Rome University, where he also taught Project Management & ICT for the academic master’s degree in ICT Governance and Audit. At the same time he often lectured about similar topics to Government officials attending SNA (National Public Administration School) courses.
He was Editorial Director and then Scientific Director of the Italian journal “Il Project Manager”, developing a fruitful cooperation with the PM World Journal. Just after retiring at mid 2022, he was enrolled in the Scientific Council of the same Italian journal, where he continues to write editorial notes, papers and book reviews.
Since 2018 Federico Minelle is an International Editorial Advisor for the PM World Journal (PMWJ) and by extension for the PM World Library.
He is an honorary fellow of ISIPM (Italian Institute for Project Management).
Federico has authored several papers and seminars on Cost/Benefit analysis for ICT Government projects and on PMO functions in ICT organizations.
Federico can be contacted at minelle@di.uniroma1.it.
Franco Stolfi
Rome, Italy
Franco Stolfi graduated in Computer Science at Salerno (Italy) University. For more than 40 years he has been consulting in Business Organization, Information Systems and ICT governance (Project, Security, Service and Quality Management). Previously as director of ICT SME company and now as senior partner of P.R.S. Planning, Ricerche e Studi (an Italy based consulting firm on ICT governance, security, monitoring and training), he manages PMO services and monitors large ICT projects on process innovation, digital transformation and ML/Blockchain, for Government Departments and Companies.
He was contract professor on Business Information Systems in the Computer Science Dept of “Sapienza” – Rome University, he also taught Project Management & ICT Governance for the academic master’s degree in ICT Governance and Audit and he held several seminars to Government officials.
Franco is a member of the editorial staff of the “Il Project Manager” Italian journal, where he wrote several articles on project management. He also co-authored many papers & studies (e.g.: Quality in the websites of the Italian Public Administration; Guidelines for quality ICT procurement issued by the Government Agency for ICT; Project Life Cycle Economics book published by Gower.
He is certified Prince2 V2 practitioner, Lead auditor for IT service management ISO-IEC 20000, ITIL, Lead auditor for quality management systems ISO/9001, Lead auditor for Information Security Management Systems ISO/27001 and ICT Project Manager certified by Accredia.
He is board member of ISIPM Professioni (Italian Institute for Project Management – professional Project Manager) and ISACA (Information System Auditing and Control Association).
Franco can be contacted at stolfi@prsmonitor.it
[1] National Recovery&Resilience Plan: Italian side of the Next Generation EU initiative, financed by European Union (after Covid pandemic) with a mix of loans&grants for an amount equal to approx 215 $ billions https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/recovery-plan-europe_en