By Prof. Dr. M. F. HARAKE
MEGS – Management & Engineering Graduate School (France)
Poitiers, France
The aim of this paper is to outline the methodological process of project-orient supply chains. The project supply chain management (PSCM) methodological guideline will describe the elements, concepts, processes, etc. that are to be infused in most business activities as means for improving competition within a complex business environment. The paper presents a normative model to guide managers in the effort to manage their supply chains in order to bring substantial benefits through careful planning and execution.
Key Words: Project Management; Supply Chain Management; Project Supply Chain Management; Agility; Change Management; Complexity.
- Introduction
1.1 Background to Research
With the increasing complexity of the business world crisscrossed with the hypercompetition – fueled by political turmoil, there has been an increasing focus on the ‘’core business’’ among the project demand and supply chain actors in most industries. Hence, this necessitates an enhanced focus on the project demand and supply chain both for the projects development and operations phases.
1.2 Research Topic
The main mission of this research is to look into supply chain management as part of project management. Indeed, the focus on supply chain management in most industries of today’s business world is usually perceived as means for improving the competitiveness of industry in general the concerned ‘’entity’’ in particular (from a hypercompetition – market perspective).
The paper aims to bring about a contribution to the project management of large-scale development and operation projects from concepts within the supply chain management field. The work will mainly revolve around:
- Developing a managerial concept that tackles projects supply chain management from a project management perspective.
- Highlighting what is of considerable relevance for supply chain management within the project management context.
- Developing both conceptual and methodological frameworks and projects that may be used as basis for future applications in project-oriented contexts.
- Conceptual Outline of Project Supply Chain Management
2.1 Conceptual Contextualization
Project supply chain management (PSCM) may be understood as an artificial construction – given that it is a system being molded by goals and purposes to the complex environment in which lives. It should be noted that ‘’artificiality’’ and ‘’complexity’’ are inextricably interwoven hence, the fulfillment of purpose involves responding to : the goal, the character of the artifact, and the environment in which it operates (Simon, 1990). That said, new facts will need new systems of knowledge. Hence, within the context of project management – supply chain projects are to be reviewed with great care and detail with respect to their own complex system.
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How to cite this paper: Harake, M. F. (2023). A Methodological Guideline for Project Supply Chain Management; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue XII, December. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/pmwj136-Dec2023-Harake-methodological-guideline-for-project-supply-chain-management.pdf
About the Author
Prof. Dr. M. F. HARAKE
Poitiers, France
Prof. Dr. M. F. HARAKE is a management Professor based in France. He is currently the Director of International Academic Affairs of GIP CEI (a French Higher Education and Research Institution). He is also the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) program manager of ESLI International – Graduate School of Management & Engineering (Paris – France) and the scientific director of the MBA DELIVERWEB at ALTERNIS Business School (Bordeaux – France). He previously served as a visiting professor at ESCE International Business School (Paris – France), Paris School of Business (Paris – France), Ascencia Business School (Paris – France), ESPRIT Business School (Tunis – Tunisia), GBSB Global Business School (Barcelona – Spain), etc.
Dr. M.F. HARAKE is a research fellow and former board member of the CEREGE Research Laboratory (University of Poitiers – France), and a visiting research fellow at CABMR Research Center (Paris – France). He is also an Honorary Academic Advisor and Research Scholar at the Project Management World Library (Austin / Texas – USA). He previously served as the Director of the CREFEGE Research Center (Paris – France). His research interests include Post-Conflict Public Management, Crisis and Urgent Operations Management, Humanitarian Logistics, and Project Management in Unstable Environments.
He can be contacted at mharake@gip-cei.com