By David L. Pells
Managing Editor
Addison, Texas, USA
Welcome to the May 2022 edition of the PM World Journal, the 117th monthly edition. This month’s PMWJ contains 21 new works by 20 different authors representing 10 different countries. This is another slim edition with fewer authors and countries represented, although several authors have contributed multiple works and some countries are represented multiple times (Australia, UK, USA). Nevertheless, this edition contains some powerful original works by very experienced PM experts.
Dr. Ken Smith, old Asia hand currently based in The Philippines, has authored another Letter-to-the-Editor this month, “On the war in Ukraine and lines in the sand.” I think his perspective is shared by many readers and millions of people.
On the same topic but from a much broader perspective, I finally completed my Editorial this month: “This War changes Everything, Old Themes revisited, Black Elephants (again, bigger) and a New View of Risk”. In the editorial, I cover a lot of ground, but I’m not an expert on many of the issues discussed (please forgive me). But I’m also not ignorant and this is what I think. We’re in an extremely dangerous period, with dramatic changes occurring already that most in our profession are not doing anything about. What’s already happened and how bad can it get? Will we survive? What reaction there will be from readers, I have no idea. But I needed to put this out there.
Our two most active correspondents are back with excellent Interviews this month. Yasmina Khelifi in Paris has conducted an interesting long-distance interview with Ms. Mayte Mata Sivera, Head of PMO and Ambassador Americas for the PMO Leader Community. Mayte is based in Utah, USA. Her interview is titled “One PMO World, One Community!” Impressive initiative! Yu Yanjuan (Spring) in Beijing has interviewed international executive advisor, coach and speaker Jean-Luc Favrot, who is based in Tahiti. The interview is titled “Project Management Should Remove Walls and Build Bridget”; it’s a good interview and good message!
Five significant Featured Papers are included this month. Prof Pieter Steyn and Dr. Roché Steyn in South Africa have teamed up to author “Addressing the Dearth of Management Science in the Covid-19 Pandemic”. They raise some issues that many of us may not have considered. Bob Prieto has authored a timely paper titled “Enterprise Risk Management in the Engineering and Construction Industry.” There are so many risks in the capital construction industry these days; learn more from an expert. Pat Weaver has contributed another paper of historic importance, “Cost Overruns on Early Canal & Railway Projects.” It seems that all of these problems we see with project cost and schedule overruns are nothing new, especially for public projects.
Alan Stretton lends current context to these issues with his great new paper “Revisiting project successes/failures: From behavioural biases to project pork barrelling by politicians.” He’s exactly right! When projects are promoted by politicians, with approvals and funding without sound business cases or planning, what else would we expect. It happens all the time in many countries. Dr. Robert Chapman then tops it all off with his paper titled “The exposure of small UK project management organizations to fraud.” It sometimes seems that the PM world is going to hell in a hand basket!
To read entire welcome article, click here
How to cite this paper: Pells, D.L. (2022). Welcome to the May 2022 PMWJ; PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue V, May. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/pmwj117-May2022-Pells-welcome-to-the-may-2022-pmwj-1.pdf
About the Author
David L. Pells
Managing Editor, PMWJ
Managing Director, PMWL
David L. Pells, PMI Fellow, HonFAPM, ISIPM, PMA, is Managing Editor and publisher of the PM World Journal (www.pmworldjournal.com) and Managing Director of the PM World Library (www.pmworldlibrary.net). David is an internationally recognized leader in the field of professional project management with more than 40 years of experience on a variety of programs and projects, including engineering, construction, energy, defense, transit, technology and nuclear security, and project sizes ranging from thousands to billions of dollars. He occasionally acts as project management advisor for U.S. national laboratories and international programs, and currently serves as an independent advisor for a major U.S. national security program.
David Pells has been an active professional leader in the United States since the 1980s, as founder and president of several PMI chapters, founder of PMI’s first SIG (Project Earth), and member of the PMI board of directors twice. He was founder and chair of the Global Project Management Forum (1995-2000), an annual meeting of leaders of PM associations from around the world. David was awarded PMI’s Person of the Year award in 1998 and Fellow Award, PMI’s highest honor, in 1999. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Association for Project Management (APM) in the UK; the Instituto Italiano di Project Management (ISIMP) in Italy; and Project Management Associates (PMA) in India.
Former managing editor of PM World Today, he is the creator, editor and publisher of the PM World Journal (ISSN: 2330-4880). David has a BA in Business Administration from the University of Washington and an MBA from Idaho State University in the USA. He has published widely and spoken at conferences and events worldwide. David lives near Dallas, Texas and can be contacted at editor@pmworldjournal.com.
To see other works by David Pells, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/david-l-pells/