By David Pells
Managing Editor
Addison, Texas, USA
Welcome to the January 2023 edition of the PM World Journal, the 125th monthly edition. This month’s PMWJ is another diverse and interesting edition, with 28 new works by 27 different authors representing 12 different countries. The new additions this month bring our totals to 4,516 works by 1,797 different authors representing 90 different countries published in the PMWJ to date and now archived in the PM World Library.
One Letter to the Editor was received in December, by Dr. Paul Giammalvo in Jakarta. Paul weighs in on “the evolution of project management”, a recent paper by Patrick Weaver. It seems they have some differences of opinion. If you have something to add to the debate, please send an email to me that I can publish as a letter to the editor.
Another outstanding Interview by Yasmina Khelifi in Paris is included. Her interview with PMI’s new CEO, Pierre Le Manh, is both interesting and illuminating, as Pierre reveals some of his vision for PMI going forward. If you are a PMI member anywhere in the world, don’t miss this important interview with one of the most influential leaders in the PM professional world.
Four Featured Papers are included this month, by authors in Australia, China and India. Project Sequelae” by Dr. Deepa Bhide in Hyderabad discusses a concept from the medical profession from a project management perspective. This is a fascinating new concept for us all to carefully consider; please read. Patrick Weaver in Melbourne has authored another interesting look at PM history in “Project Management – A Historical Timeline”. Hareshchandra Thakur, an executive with Wärtsilä India Pvt. Ltd. In Mumbai has authored “Project Management – Pandemic and Beyond” in which he discusses some lessons his organization has learned during the Covid-19 pandemic and changes he sees in how project teams will now be working. The 4th paper is the result of academic research by Iliya Meta and Professor Yongkang Cao at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai. Mr. Mela, who is from Nigeria, is the lead author of “The Impact of Rainfall on the Conservation of Traditional Nigerian Heritage Buildings: A Case Study of the Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture (MOTNA), Jos.”
We start the new year with seven Series Articles, five by previous series authors and two exciting new series…
To read entire welcome article, click here
How to cite this article: Pells, D.L. (2023). Welcome to the January 2023 PMWJ; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue I, January. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/pmwj125-Jan2023-Pells-welcome-to-the-January-2023-pmwj.pdf
About the Author
David L. Pells
Managing Editor, PMWJ
Managing Director, PMWL
Addison, Texas, USA
David L. Pells, PMI Fellow, HonFAPM, ISIPM, PMA, is Managing Editor and publisher of the PM World Journal ( www.pmworldjournal.com ) and Managing Director of the PM World Library ( www.pmworldlibrary.net ). David is an internationally recognized leader in the field of professional project management with more than 40 years of experience on a variety of programs and projects, including engineering, construction, energy, defense, transit, technology and nuclear security, and project sizes ranging from thousands to billions of dollars. He occasionally acts as project management advisor for U.S. national laboratories and international programs, and currently serves as an independent advisor for a major U.S. national security program.
David Pells has been an active professional leader in the United States since the 1980s, as founder and president of several PMI chapters, founder of PMI’s first SIG (Project Earth), and member of the PMI board of directors twice. He was founder and chair of the Global Project Management Forum (1995-2000), an annual meeting of leaders of PM associations from around the world. David was awarded PMI’s Person of the Year award in 1998 and Fellow Award, PMI’s highest honor, in 1999. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Association for Project Management (APM) in the UK; the Instituto Italiano di Project Management (ISIMP) in Italy; and Project Management Associates (PMA) in India.
Former managing editor of PM World Today, he is the creator, editor and publisher of the PM World Journal (ISSN: 2330-4880). David has a BA in Business Administration from the University of Washington and an MBA from Idaho State University in the USA. He has published widely and spoken at conferences and events worldwide. David lives near Dallas, Texas and can be contacted at editor@pmworldjournal.com.
To see other works by David Pells, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/david-l-pells/