By David Pells
Managing Editor
Addison, Texas, USA
Welcome to the December 2022 edition of the PM World Journal, the 124th monthly edition. This month’s PMWJ is another diverse and interesting edition, with 30 new works by 30 different authors representing 13 different countries. The new editions this month bring our totals to 4,430 works by 1,778 different authors representing 90 different countries published in the PMWJ to date and now archived in the PM World Library.
Two interesting Interviews are included this month. Yasmina Khelifi in Paris has interviewed Sandra Stosz, former Deputy Commandant for Mission Support at the U.S. Coast Guard. As the Coast Guard’s first woman deputy commandant, she directed one of the organization’s largest enterprises. She is an author, motivational speaker and creator of the “Leading with Character” blog. The second interview is with Dr. Ken Smith, USAF, retired, and former PM expert and consultant for the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UN Development Programme and US Agency for International Development (AID). Ken reflects on his 60+ years of experience with projects and PM.
Five Featured Papers are included in this edition, by authors in four different countries. Two papers are by young engineers, Prasasti Widya Putra and Bonifacasius Raditya Yudha Atmaja, in Indonesia that were developed as part of pre-qualification requirements to sit for the AACE Certified Cost Professional (CCP) exam, under the tutelage of Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo of PT Mitrata Citragraha in Jakarta. Dr. Giammalvo forwarded the papers to the PMWJ for publication. “Beyond Budget, Schedule and Scope: New Definitions of Project Success” is by Hill International executive Gregory Heinz, with the support of Joseph Pooler. The fourth is a new paper by Marco Caressa and Massimo Pirozzi in Rome on the topic of “Project, Program and Portfolio Management: the scalability of systemic approach to improve project strategic alignment.”
The final featured paper, “Post-Implementation Reviews – Benefits to project and operations team” by Pascal Bohulu Mabelo in South Africa was a last-minute addition this month for a good reason. It addresses an important topic that has been much discussed in this journal in recent months – the symbiotic relationship of project management and operations (or users of project outputs).
Seven Series Articles are included by regular authors who have stepped in to contribute to this final edition of 2022. Reinhard Wagner in Germany has concluded his six-part series on ”Projects and Project Management for a Sustainable Social Impact” with his new article subtitled “Projectification of society – the beauty and the beast”. Henny Portman in The Netherlands has contributed “Self-managing or self-organizing teams”, the latest in his series titled “Sensemaking in the Agile Forest”. Offering a different take on agile, Oliver Lehmann in Germany has authored “Agile Methods in Project Business”, the latest in his series on ”Project Business Management.” Two short how-to articles are included by Martin Hopkinson in the UK (“Three-scenario Estimates: a brief guide”) and Jeff Oltmann in Oregon (“Pareto Analysis – Quick Tip for Team Leaders”).
Two other last-minute additions are from Prof. Darren Dalcher at Manchester University in the UK. Darren has returned after a long hiatus with a powerful new article titled “Is it time to rethink agile?” His is an introductory article to accompany an article by invited author Robert Buttrick. Also a past contributor to the PMWJ, Robert has authored an ambitious paper titled “Addressing ‘agility’ in current project management standards and other authoritative publications”. Robert discusses the definitions and applications of agile in 11 influential international standards, including those from APM, IPMA, ISO and PMI. Please check out all of these series articles as the authors are all true international experts on their topics.
To read entire welcome article, click here
How to cite this work: Pells, D.L. (2022). Welcome to the December 2022 PMWJ; PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue XII, December. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/pmwj124-Dec2022-Pells-welcome-to-the-december-2022-pmwj.pdf
About the Author
David L. Pells
Managing Editor, PMWJ
Managing Director, PMWL
David L. Pells, PMI Fellow, HonFAPM, ISIPM, PMA, is Managing Editor and publisher of the PM World Journal ( www.pmworldjournal.com ) and Managing Director of the PM World Library ( www.pmworldlibrary.net ). David is an internationally recognized leader in the field of professional project management with more than 40 years of experience on a variety of programs and projects, including engineering, construction, energy, defense, transit, technology and nuclear security, and project sizes ranging from thousands to billions of dollars. He occasionally acts as project management advisor for U.S. national laboratories and international programs, and currently serves as an independent advisor for a major U.S. national security program.
David Pells has been an active professional leader in the United States since the 1980s, as founder and president of several PMI chapters, founder of PMI’s first SIG (Project Earth), and member of the PMI board of directors twice. He was founder and chair of the Global Project Management Forum (1995-2000), an annual meeting of leaders of PM associations from around the world. David was awarded PMI’s Person of the Year award in 1998 and Fellow Award, PMI’s highest honor, in 1999. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Association for Project Management (APM) in the UK; the Instituto Italiano di Project Management (ISIMP) in Italy; and Project Management Associates (PMA) in India.
Former managing editor of PM World Today, he is the creator, editor and publisher of the PM World Journal (ISSN: 2330-4880). David has a BA in Business Administration from the University of Washington and an MBA from Idaho State University in the USA. He has published widely and spoken at conferences and events worldwide. David lives near Dallas, Texas and can be contacted at editor@pmworldjournal.com
To see other works by David Pells, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/david-l-pells/