Talent Management, The Leadership Edge


Positive Leadership in Project Management


By Frank Saladis, PMP, PMI Fellow

New York, NY, USA



You probably have noticed that there is a steady stream of books that show up on the radar screens of project managers, executives and managers in general. I recently saw post that said over 400 leadership books are published every year. It becomes a real challenge to keep up with this endless supply of information.

There is so much useful information that we sometimes find ourselves in a true overload. We deal with books, articles, email, phone calls, meetings, webinars, news briefs, memos, elevator discussions, pre –meeting meetings and post meeting meetings on much more. The question is “how does anyone find the time to read the books and white papers that could really help make a difference in our performance?

I think that people who are strong leaders or who are aspiring to be leaders know when to take a look at a new book. Sometimes the title of the book is enough to peak one’s curiosity. Occasionally there is a need to find a new topic to discuss or a new idea to bring to a meeting. While I was searching for information for a presentation, I noticed a book entitled “The Talent Powered Organization” by Peter Cheese, Robert J. Thomas, and Elizabeth Craig, published by Kogan Page. This book’s title clearly identified a major challenge that many, if not most, organizations are facing today. The need to obtain and retain the talent needed to keep an organization healthy and growing.

The changing economic climate, the rise of third world nations, and the effect of globalization is continually changing the way business is managed. The work force is changing with baby boomers exiting and setting their sights on retirement and fresh college graduates (Millennials as they are referred to) with a different work ethic and set of priorities making their way into mainstream business. During these changes, many companies are looking for the talent they need to manage in a diverse, client driven, severely competitive environment.  The greatest challenge for today’s business leaders is to find the talent they need, engage that talent quickly to generate enthusiasm about the business, and create an environment that encourages loyalty and commitment. Basically what this amounts to is, according to authors Cheese Thomas, and Craig, the strategic value of talent.


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Editor’s note: This article is one in a series on Positive Leadership in Project Management by Frank Saladis, PMP, PMI Fellow, popular speaker and author of books on leadership in project management published by Wiley and IIL in the United States. Frank is widely known as the originator of the International Project Management Day, the annual celebrations and educational events conducted each November by PMI members, chapters and organizations around the world.

How to cite this paper: Saladis, F. (2019). Talent Management, The Leadership Edge: Positive Leadership in Project Management series article 1. PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue VI, July. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/pmwj83-Jul2019-Saladis-Talent-management-positive-leadership-series-article1.pdf



About the Author

Frank P. Saladis

New York, USA




Frank P. Saladis, PMP, PMI Fellow is the Owner/Founder of Blue Marble Enterprizes Inc. and Project Imaginers. Frank is an accomplished leader and contributor in the discipline of project management. He is the author of 12 published books, the past editor of the All PM Newsletter and the author of over 160 project management articles. Frank provides training and consulting internationally and has educated and entertained countless audiences with a special blend of project management knowledge and tasteful humor. He is also an experienced and well-known project management instructor and consultant and a member of the PMI ® Seminars World team of trainers.  Mr. Saladis’ 35 year career includes 28.5 years with AT&T, 3 years with Cisco Systems, and more than 25 years as a professional trainer, facilitator, mentor and keynote speaker.

Frank is the Originator/Founder of International Project Management Day which launched in 2004 and has been growing in recognition yearly. The goal of International Project Management Day is the worldwide recognition of the many project managers and project teams in every industry including nonprofit organizations and health care who contribute their time, energy, creativity, innovation, and countless hours to deliver products, services, facilities, and provide emergency and disaster recovery services in every city and community around the world.

Frank was PMI’s 2006 Person of the Year.  Frank is a Project Management Professional, a graduate from the PMI Leadership Institute Master’s class, and has contributed significantly to the organization’s growth and knowledge base for more than 20 years. His leadership activity within PMI included the position of President of the New York City PMI chapter from 1991-2001, President of the Assembly of Chapter Presidents, and Chair of the Education and Training Specific Interest Group. He received the high honor of the “PMI Fellow Award” in October 2013 and received the very prestigious “PMI Distinguished Contribution Award” in October 2015.