to fully materialize the benefits of a project
By Manuel Ancizu
Pamplona, Spain
A project or idea is successful if it reaches the end user and that happens when it is fully deployed, implemented and reaches successfully the last link in the value chain. Otherwise, ideas remain uncompleted and their associated benefits do not fully materialize.
In this case study, the author shows a key software development project for the company’s strategy that, once implemented, was hardly used by end-users; and he tells us about the turnaround process to achieve the true success of the project, which was the software’s massive use by the end-users, a crucial step to reach the goals set out in the organization’s strategic plan.
A service company had developed a powerful traceability software.
This software enabled total control of shipment status at all times, as well as seamless communication between the parent company and its subcontracted distribution subsidiaries in different countries around the world.
It had been conceived as a key enabler within the group’s strategy of expansion, which sought to make its operational structure more robust, increase its efficiency and achieve a significant qualitative leap in the service provided to its customers.
All this was true: the software was very well designed and its functionalities perfectly met the requirements set to make the organization’s strategy a reality; its development had been considered a success.
The software was installed in all the subcontracted companies around the world, a person from headquarters made a tour to show its use to the end-users who would manage it in a day-to-day basis and a front-office was set up in the parent company to solve any possible doubts that users might have with the software.
From that moment on, this project was considered successfully finished after having fully achieved its initial goals; everyone was very proud of the software and immediate benefits were expected from its installation.
However, after a few months, some alarms began to appear; there was a problem. A performance evaluation found that the software was not being used in the subcontractors as intended, not enough data was being entered into the system, the parent company still had no visibility into its distributors’ operations, and therefore, customers were not receiving the benefits they had been promised in their sales contracts.
The software was only being used as intended in the parent company’s central warehouse; in subcontractors around the world, its utilization rate was far from initially expected…
To read entire article, click here
How to cite this article: Ancizu, M. (2022). Successful implementation: A central element to fully materialize the benefits of a project, case study, PM World Journal, Vol. XI, Issue IX, September. Available online at
About the Author
Manuel Ancizu
Pamplona, Spain
Human leadership, Global Sustainable Projects, Renewable energy, Story-teller, Keynote speaker, Lifetime learner, Risk management, Standardization
Manuel Ancizu is passionate about human leadership, sustainable projects and people’s motivations. Enjoys working in international multicultural environments and wants to have a positive impact in society.
Manuel graduated in Economics from University of Navarra and obtained an MBA from IESE Business School (Spain); he has also studied in CEIBS (China) and University Anahuac del Sur (Mexico). He holds a number of professional certificates such as the PMP by Project Management Institute, Lead Auditor in ISO 9001:2015 by IRCA Association and has also received training in Management of Development Projects and Risk Management by Interamerican Development Bank (IDB).
Manuel has lived in Spain, France, UK and Mexico; he currently works in the wind energy sector leading the quality management of Offshore projects. Manuel has been involved in wind energy renewable projects developed in different parts of the globe with external customers, as well as in internal projects of cultural transformation, IT and global processes.
Thanks to his experience, he has delivered training sessions, lectures and keynotes to a different number of institutions.
Manuel is a qualified member of the Spanish Standardization Body (UNE) and has been involved in the development of Standards and Norms in Projects, Programs and Portfolios; he has also participated in the translation of different ISO 21500 to Spanish language.
Manuel loves smiling, storytelling, dreaming and making ideas come true in a sustainable manner.
Manuel lives in Pamplona, Spain and can be contacted at
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