Risk Doctor Briefing
Dr David Hillson, PMI Fellow, HonFAPM, FIRM
The Risk Doctor Partnership
United Kingdom
Many organisations use external risk consultants to support them in managing risk. Before choosing a risk consultant, it’s important to be aware of the possible benefits and associated risks, as well as having clear selection criteria.
The benefits of using an external risk consultant should include the following:
- They bring guaranteed expertise
- They can draw on proven solutions from other engagements
- Cross-fertilisation is possible, with the consultant bringing ideas from other industries
- They can offer creativity, innovation, and fresh thinking
- There’s no “start-up” time, the consultant is ready to work on day one, without training
- Consultants offer access to leading-edge thinking and practice
- Consultants should be familiar with all current tools and techniques
- They are able to perform specialist techniques, such as risk simulation
- Using a consultant allows hands-on training for own staff by shadowing or observing
- You can turn on and turn off the consultancy resource when required
- Using consultants allows cost-effective use of limited resources or funding
- You only need to use consultants for specific tasks with clear scope
- There are no overhead costs for your organisation
There are however a number of risks to consider when using an external risk consultant, including:
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How to cite this paper: Hillson, D. (2021). Should We Use External Risk Consultants? Risk Doctor Briefing; PM World Journal, Volume X, Issue IV, April. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/pmwj104-Apr2021-Hillson-external-risk-consultants-series-article.pdf
About the Author
Dr David Hillson HonFAPM PMI-Fellow CFIRM CMgr FCMI
The Risk Doctor
Known globally as The Risk Doctor, David Hillson leads The Risk Doctor Partnership (www.risk-doctor.com), a global consultancy offering specialist risk services across the world.
David has a reputation as an excellent speaker and presenter on risk. His talks blend thought-leadership with practical application, presented in an accessible style that combines clarity with humour, guided by the Risk Doctor motto: “Understand profoundly so you can explain simply”.
He also writes widely on risk, with eleven major books, and over 100 professional papers. He publishes a regular Risk Doctor Briefing blog in seven languages to 10,000 followers, and has over 11,000 subscribers to the RiskDoctorVideo YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/RiskDoctorVideo).
David has advised leaders and organisations in over 60 countries around the world on how to create value from risk based on a mature approach to risk management, and his wisdom and insights are in high demand. He has also received many awards for his ground-breaking work in risk management over several decades.
To see other works previously published in the PM World Journal by Dr David Hillson, visit his author showcase at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/dr-david-hillson/