Date: 23 July 2021
Ref: Lehmann, O. (2021). A Letter to Covid, PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue VII, July. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/pmwj107-Jul2021-Lehmann-A-Letter-to-Covid-PBM-series-article2.pdf
Dear Oliver,
Thank you for writing. As SARS-CoV-2, I do not receive many serious communications from professionals outside the area of immunology. In reply to your letter, I should like to share a few project-management related lessons with you that I have learned in my brief time in your company.
My approach as described below has been based on the principles developed by the Pandemic Magnification Institute.
Our current initiative was launched to address the issue that we had identified, in that we were only exploiting a very small subset of potential hosts and that most of them seemed fairly competent at limiting our development. As you will probably understand, we were finding that living in bats was beginning to lose its charm. The solution we adopted was to find a means of changing our customer base to move towards servicing one of the most numerous and accommodating species.
Our stakeholder analysis indicated that this expansion would be facilitated by two main factors: a) the recent practice of our target hosts of moving into areas inhabited by potentially infected livestock, or actually bringing such subjects directly into their markets, and b) of disregarding future threats in favour of current opportunities.
This expansion initiative was planned as a long-term project, so time and cost were immaterial to us.
Based on our analysis that our best chance of avoiding elimination is to overload the system, we have defined our scope as global and fully inclusive.
On the quality front, we are working hard to ensure that our product remains fit for purpose and is therefore taken up by as broad a population as possible.
To read entire Letter to the Editor, click here